Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  How do I advertise on KYMN?  

A:  To inquire about advertising opportunities contact  You can also call 507-645-5695.

Q: Can I listen to the Minnesota Twins games online, through the KYMN website?

A: Unfortunately, we are prohibited by Major League Baseball to stream the game audio online. You’ll have to tune in on your radio.

Q: Where do I listen to Farmington Sports?

A: This is a web-only broadcast only featured on Listen to Ned Newberg on the call for the Farmington Tiger Football games. The webcast will launch about 10 minutes prior to the games.

Q: How do I download a show so I can burn a CD copy of it?

A: With our new website, the prompt to download is right there! If you’re using a MAC computer and have issues using Firefox, try a different browser. If it still doesn’t work, let us know at You can also try a PC.

Q: Where are my favorite shows? How come they’re not in the continual feed?

A: The Programs are featured along the top and also on the right side of the landing page. The latest postings come up first. Just hover over your favorite show and click.

Q: Do you have a Calendar of Events?

A: Why yes we do! This is a new feature on our landing page. We’ve also added links from the Community page to local City Halls, several Northfield Community links and links to the local funeral homes.