KYMN has been Northfield’s hometown radio station for fifty-six years. For fifty-six years, this community has looked to KYMN for information, for entertainment and for comfort. For fifty-six years, Northfielders have tuned in to hear the weather report, or to hear about the news from City Hall, or to hear election results. We’ve been here to broadcast your son’s football game and your daughter’s basketball game. You tune in to hear great music, to hear interesting programs, to hear the Northfield high school graduation, and of course, to hear the Minnesota Twins on those perfect summer nights. For fifty-six years, this station’s singular goal has truly been to be the friend that Northfield can count on.
Not only have we been with you for fifty-six years, but a lot of our equipment has been, too. Our 300’ tower, the thing that makes it possible for us to talk to you, is in bad shape. Without getting too deep into the technical terms, the tension wires that hold the tower up need to be replaced, and that’s not cheap. Sixty years is a long time, and those wires are just plain just plain worn out.
And, as they say for all of these crowdfunding campaigns, that’s where you come in! Your support will ensure that KYMN Radio will continue to stand – literally, in the case of our tower – as Northfield’s hub for communication, information, and entertainment. For fifty-six years, we have been a friend you can count on. This is your chance to help ensure we will be here to serve the community for your kids, your grandkids, and all the good people of Northfield for decades to come.