The Y has quickly become a valued asset and already serves more than 25{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} of our community. It is a safe, healthy place for families and people of all ages to come together to recreate and connect. Minnesota Orthodontics is helping to meet the needs of our community by ensuring the long-term success of our Y by donating an additional $25,000 to the Y Capital Campaign. The YMCA sends a hearty THANK YOU to Dr Blevins, Dr. Dall’Arancio “Dr. D” and all the staff at Minnesota Orthodontics for their continued support.
How the Comprehensive Plan Was Made
Editor’s Note: For the last 18 months, the City of Northfield has been drafting its Comprehensive Plan, which is the 20-year plan for the city.