Today’s news update – 5th and Washington to get bump outs; Hwy 3 and 3rd street pedestrian project begins Monday; Rice County sting aims to stop the supply to an illegal demand


5th and Washington to get bump outs

Northfield Council met last night after a 3 week break.  The intersection of 5th and Washington was on the agenda for a possible stop sign.  An engineering firm studied the intersection.  Public Works Director Dave Bennett explained the criteria  for an all way stop, “which is crashes and then volume.  We’re actually getting very close on those but they’re not met yet”.  They also looked at sight lines.  The firm recommended installing a 4 way stop. However,

Bennett suggested an interim action such as what’s being used on Woodley St. only not permanent. Bump outs on 5th street would slow traffic down and help with sight lines.  Mayor Graham commented that the narrower the road would slow traffic down but added that he thinks they still need to do work there, possibly adding painted crosswalks. Washington Street is scheduled for an overlay in 2018, the bump outs would allow the City time to evaluate the intersection further and see if that would make more sense than an all way stop.  They’ll cost about $4,000.  Residents spoke in favor of the bump outs and Council voted unanimously to apply this interim action.  Graham said 6th and Division is also a very busy intersection and now with the Armory being renovated and a brewery moving in it’s going to get busier.  He also mentioned the parallel parking and the diagonal parking which is difficult to back out of.  Staff will discuss this intersection further.  Mayor Graham recapped the entire meeting this morning.  His interview is online at

Hwy 3 and 3rd street pedestrian project begins Monday

Starting Monday, Hwy 3 at 3rd street will be reduced to a single lane in each direction as pedestrian crossing improvements begin.  Northfield Engineer Sean Simonson said there are 2 phases to the project.  The first will start on the outside lanes removing access to 3rd street on either side.  Detours will be posted for access to the Quarterback Club and also signage in Bridge Square to alert motorists and give instruction on access to businesses on the east side.  The City has contacted MnDot to possibly change the lighting sequencing at 2nd street to make the green a little longer to allow for smoother traffic.  Phase two will start in August.  That’s when they’ll work on the pedestrian island and lanes will be shifted to the outside.  Simonson said by that time you will have access to 3rd street from either direction, however, it will become a right in/right out intersection although there will be access to the Quarterback Club.  Expect delays throughout the duration of the project.  

Rice County sting aims to stop the supply to an illegal demand

A sex trafficking sting in early May in Rice County nabbed 6.  Rice County Attorney John Fossum said 4 patrons and 2 prostitutes were arrested at the time. Both purchasing and prostitution are gross misdemeanors.  Fossum says they’ll be charging out the cases soon.  Fossum said it’s a challenge as they’ve never had a prostitution case in Rice County.  It was a matter of setting up a sting operation, “and we routed up customers relatively easily so we know there’s demand out there, there’s a business out there and that’s something we’re going to be looking at going forward and seeing what else we can do to interrupt this line of work”.  Fossum said that with the public embarrassment, the financial penalties and, most likely, the penalty to personal relationships, it might be enough to deter customers.  

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