Today’s news update – Council chooses 2 sites for possible Liquor Store; An Aldi’s in Dundas?; Richardson says they may have to talk budget cuts for 17/18 school year; 246/Jefferson open house


Council chooses 2 sites for possible Liquor Store

Northfield Council chooses liquor store sites.  A year ago they started with 10 sites, narrowed it down to 4 early this year including Hwy 3 and Clinton Ln, the Chamber of Commerce site at 3rd street, Econofoods and the Q Block. Mayor Graham said they settled on the Econofoods site and the Q-Block as hwy 3 and Clinton was just sold and the Chamber site would just be too expensive as they’d have to demolish buildings.  In regard to Econofoods, Administrator Martig commented that this site is unique in that they could lease it.

 SpartanNash owns the grocery retailer and has their own architects.  Martig said they were not opposed to City ownership but wanted more information. He added that if the City owned it, they would have to build a wall separating the stores.  If the City owned they would not pay property taxes, if they lease it, they would.  Graham commented on the Q-Block that staff has made contact with Dale Finger who owns the vacant lot on the Q Block.  It could go there, “or possibly somewhere else on that block.”.  He says wherever they go they want to make sure the site would generate more money than they do now.  Staff doesn’t have costs nailed down but, according to their documents, it would appear to be around $3 million just about anywhere.  As for the next step, staff will be holding indepth talks with the owners of those sites and they’ll go from there.  Mayor Graham’s recap of the entire meeting is posted on  

An Aldi’s in Dundas?

Maybe…  Dundas has been busy with commercial construction.  The College City Beverage expansion is underway, there’s a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday for the Dundas Dome and they’re still in talks with Menards about their project for next year.  City Administrator John McCarthy says they’re also in preliminary talks with Aldi’s for a store next to Firehouse Liquor.  He says they could be under construction next year, however, “as with any corporate event or any corporate thing, it’s got to go through a lot of hoops and a lot of checks.  But with any luck we’ll have an Aldi’s in the area next year”.  McCarthy’s interview is also posted on our website.  

Richardson says they may have to talk budget cuts for 17/18 school year

The School Board has been working on their budget.  Superintendent Dr. Chris Richardson said, in his last appearance on KYMN as Superintendent, the operating levy that was passed in 2011 has sustained them a couple of years longer than anticipated but, if the State continues not making up the inflationary costs, they may have to talk about budget cuts for the 2017/18 school year.  Richardson says the process will have to start earlier than that.  His entire interview is also posted on our website.  

Hwy 246/Jefferson Open House today

The City of Northfield is studying the intersection at Hwy 246 and Jefferson Pkwy.  They are holding a public open house this afternoon from 4 to 6pm at City Hall Chambers on Washington Street to hear from the public.  

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