Today’s news update – Ice Arena in 2017 “not realistic” but Mayor wants to form Task Force; School Board revises “gun” definition and enlists Youth Council to assure “clear” language; NHS to open Malt-O-Meal exhibit, will hold History Trivia Night and History Hound Walk


Ice Arena in 2017 “not realistic”  but Mayor wants to form Task Force

The Northfield Council discussed their budget last week along with Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment Plans.  Mayor Dana Graham commented, “these are our plans for the future and we go out 5 years.  Some of the things are not realistic”.  He added that some of them are wish list and some of them should be more realistic.  For example: they had $10 million on the plan for an Ice Arena in 2017.  Graham said that’s not realistic.  However, he DOES plan on forming a Mayors Task Force.  He says there are business people anxious to get started.  

They’ve approached him and want to get involved.  The hockey and skating groups are very interested.  St. Olaf is already planning on a sheet of ice onsite but Graham wants to approach them about adding a second sheet.  He said they account for 24{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} of the revenue at the current arena.  For years, our Arena has been past it’s prime and in 2020 there are federal mandates that will trigger changes to the refrigerant currently used to make the ice.  

School Board revises “gun” definition and enlists Youth Council to assure “clear” language

The Northfield School Board passed disciplinary revisions after a student had been caught with a bb gun on school grounds that caused quite a dustup when the 18 year old fought his expulsion, consequently triggering work sessions on what constitutes a firearm.  Superintendent Dr. Chris Richardson said they came up with a new definition borrowing from MNScu and the University of MN.  It’s a broader definition that includes, not only gun powder, but compressed air, springs and anything that can cause damage.  They also looked at their search policy regarding lockers and student vehicles in the parking lot when a dog alerts to possible drugs and/or guns and when to get the police involved.  They reviewed the student citizenship handbook and enlisted the help of the Youth Council to make sure the language was clear to students.  Do the students understand the consequences.  The Youth Council does not change policy but simply assured the language was clear.  

NHS rocks June History Month with multiple events – UPDATE:  TRIVIA NIGHT CANCELLED

The Northfield Historical Society is celebrating June History month in a big way this week starting with the debut of “Malt-O-Meal Originals: An Exhibition of Firsts” .  Executive Director Hayes Scriven, “it’s highlighting a lot of the first things the company did”.  Including the first introduction of hot cereal, their first tv spot, the first employee and much more.  The exhibit opens to the public on Thursday with a free reception at 6:30.  Light refreshments will be served made with Malt-o-meal products.  Then on Friday, it’s History Trivia Night at the Rueb N Stein.  Test your knowledge of Northfield and general history plus current events.  That’s from 7–9 p.m. in the game room.  All you need to participate is a team of four. Teams are asked to pay the $100 registration fee today. Spectators are welcome and will be able to participate in other games and activities.  And on Saturday it’s the History Hound Walk.  Prairies Edge Humane Society’s Sandy Vesledahl will be in on Thursday to talk more about that event.  

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