Today’s news update – Schmelzer attorney looking “hard” at appeal; Two airlifted after a reported throttle malfunction sends a motorcycle into the Millersburg Schoolhouse Museum; Council postpones decision on crosswalk


Schmelzer attorney looking “hard” at appeal

After listening to testimony from 3 Northfield Chamber of Commerce Board members, Rice County judge John Cajacob dismissed the case brought forward by former Executive Director Mary Schmelzer.  The Northfield News reports the decision took place after the Chambers attorney, William Celebreze, made the motion Friday morning saying there was “an absolute failure of proof” that the reasons Schmelzer was fired

were anything but what was in the termination letter.  Cajacob took an hour to consider the motion and the jury was never called back.  Schmelzer maintained that she was fired in retaliation for accusations of sexual harassment by Jerry Anderson toward Events manager, Jane Pausch.  The Chamber removed Anderson in October of 2013.  Then in November they terminated Schmelzer’s employment citing her “distrust in the Board”.   Schmelzer was questioned over a day and a half then Board members Rick Estenson, Beth Naumann and Dave Neuger took the stand recounting their reasons for her dismissal.  In part, the Northfield News reports that Cajacob said after listening to their versions of events and reasons for termination, the court finds that “no reasonable juror could find the greater weight of evidence showing them unworthy of belief”.  Asked if they’ll appeal, Schmelzer’s attorney, Alf Sivertson, told KYMN, “We are taking a hard look at appealing this case because of the unusual ruling and we’ll be making that determination within the next couple of weeks”.  He added that, “the judges ruling was highly unusual in that we were so far along in the trial the judge really should’ve allowed the jury to look at this case and decide the factual disputes”.  Pausch resigned her position last year and moved to Wisconsin.  She has been publicly silent over the matter.  The Chamber’s attorney, William Celebreze, has not yet returned a call.  

Two airlifted after a reported throttle malfunction sends a motorcycle into the Millersburg Schoolhouse Museum

A motorcycle crash Saturday afternoon sent to two people to HCMC via AirCare. It happened in the parking lot across from Boonies in Millersburg.  Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn said 64 year old Raymond Scherer told officers that the throttle malfunctioned when he was parking and sent the motorcycle into another bike’s fender and then hit the Millersburg Schoolhouse Museum.  Scherer or his passenger, 67 year old Darlene Mary Davidson, both of Prior Lake, suffered serious but non life-threatening injuries.  Neither were wearing helmets.  Dunn said no alcohol was involved.

Council postpones decision on crosswalk

Northfield Council postponed a resolution to fund crosswalk improvements at Hwy 246 and Arbor Street.  The road is across from the Middle School.  MnDot approved a 30 mph school speed zone on Hwy 246 from Jefferson to a quarter mile south of Arbor.  With that comes the condition of a crosswalk and sidewalk from the south side.   Mayor Graham said, right now, the students living directly across from the school have to take a bus to cross Hwy 246 safely.  The City is being asked to fund the crosswalk at $100,000.  The School District will fund up to $20,000, pay for an adult crossing guard and would also build a sidewalk.  City Engineer Dave Bennett added that it’s not just painting stripes but culvert and utility work and a driver feedback sign to register speeds through the zone.  Graham said it makes a lot of sense, the problem was the language in the resolution.  Some councilors wanted it to specifically state that the school would build the sidewalk while others said they couldn’t dictate what the district would do.  Mayor Graham said he would take them at their word.  The action requires a fund transfer which requires a 5/7 vote of the Council.  This will come back to them July 5th.  The plan is to get it done before school starts.

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