Today’s news update – Lukewarm to roundabouts – what about a tunnel?; Rice County law enforcement looks to team up with other Counties; The Passing Zone passes to the next step


Lukewarm to roundabouts – what about a tunnel?

The City’s consultant, Tom Sohrweide of SEH, Inc. updated Northfield Council with their initial findings of the Hwy 246 and Jefferson Pkwy traffic study.  Ten intersections were graded, the worst congestion is NB Hwy 246 at Jefferson during AM and PM peak, it received a D.  Sohrweide offered some options including separate turn lanes, a roundabout and a traffic signal.  Those last 2 are guided by the Minnesota Manual on traffic.  Warrants are based on volume.  Sohrweide said this is very near to meeting warrants.  He’s provided information to MnDot who’s currently reviewing it to see where they stand with that.  Mayor Graham commented this morning, “roundabouts got very lukewarm reception from Council”.

His issue is to get pedestrians across safely.  Another option council wants considered is a tunnel under 246.  It’s a more costly solution but, Graham said, “I would like to see the County take that over”.  He said a couple of the Commissioners have indicated that, from the turn back money that they would get if the County takes over from Woodley Street to Nerstrand, they would dedicate part of the money for a safe intersection at Jefferson.  Not all Councilors were on board with that.  The other ‘D’ rated intersection comes out of the Middle School driveway.  Sohrweide said the right turn levels are high, “and as such, this operation could be made better by just marking with pavement marking 2 lanes coming out of the driveway and allowing 1 to go in”.  This is the area at Arbor Street where, if the dollars are there, they’ll install a bumpout.  A crosswalk and flashing beacons will be installed before school starts.  Two other intersections were brought up for review, Jefferson at Raider Dr. and traffic out of Bridgewater Elementary.  This will come back to council in September as Sohrweide comes back with more details.  1 – Initial findings summary (1)

Rice County law enforcement looks to team up with other Counties

Rice County’s SWAT or ERU (emergency response unit) has always had a difficult time with funding.  Rice Co. Attorney John Fossum said Northfield, Faribault and the sheriff’s office provide the bulk of the resources and funding.  Fossum said, with vacations it’s hard to call them up when needed. And so, they worked out a deal with Dakota County.  The counties would act on behalf of one another.  While it’s a lot of area to cover, Fossum said, “Dakota County has the population, they have some resources that we don’t have and our opportunity to work with them, I think, will be beneficial both to us and Dakota County”.  The Cannon Valley Drug and Violent Offender Task Force is also evolving as the Department of Public Safety has indicated they don’t want single county Drug Task Forces.  Right now, Fossum says, “we’re working on combining our drug task force with Le Sueur County, which is not in a cooperative agreement with other counties whereas the other surrounding counties are”.  Fossum said it’s really about funding but it will also give an opportunity for more training.  

The Passing Zone passes to the next step

A local man was on America’s Got Talent last night!  Jonathan Wee, NHS class of 1984, and his comedy juggling partner, Owen, who call themselves The Passing Zone, were among 20 contestants to appear on the show.  Seven made it through and The Passing Zone was one of them with their blind knife throwing and using some of the judges onstage.  You can view the clip on AGT’s facebook page. (scroll down the page to view it) Jon’s dad, David, will let us know when The Passing Zone will be on the show next.  

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