Today’s news update – Pedestrian struck at Division and 2nd in Northfield; St. Olaf Title IX Working Group releases final report; With transistion, Northfield School District to create Strategic Plan; Sign up now for Night to Unite


Pedestrian struck at Division and 2nd in Northfield

Yesterday afternoon a pedestrian was struck at Division Street and 2nd in downtown Northfield.  About 4:30 a vehicle traveling north on Division went to take a left onto 2nd when he struck an older gentleman in the crosswalk.  Deputy Chief Mark Dukatz said witnesses told police, the victim was well into the crosswalk when he was struck.  The driver, 37 year old Gregory May immediately stopped.  He was cited for failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.  Dukatz said May was visibly upset.  The victim, a 61 year old man from out of state was alert and talkative at the scene but was taken by

ambulance to Northfield Hospital with serious injuries.  The man’s name is not yet being released.  There are pedestrian crossing signs posted in the intersection.  Dukatz said drivers need to turn their head and pay attention.  He added that there are a number of celebrations coming up in Northfield including Crazy Daze, the Vintage Band Festival and DJJD, which will all bring in a lot more pedestrian traffic.  He said, “this is a good reminder of people to be a little more cautious and careful when making turns and crossing intersections”.  He said that includes pedestrians.  Make sure you make eye contact with drivers.

St. Olaf Title IX Working Group releases final report

Over the past 3 months St. Olaf College has been engaged with a Working Group and the community to address issues with their Title IX policy.  They have released their report created by the 10 members of the group and posted it to their website.  Chair of the Working Group, Tim Maudlin, said the process was intense, and at times, emotional.  They are still taking comments through July 25th.  I have a link to their website and have also posted their final report.  Working-Group-Report-FINAL-1

With transistion, Northfield School District to create Strategic Plan

The last strategic plan for the Northfield School District was developed in 2004.  But with new leadership after the retirement of Dr. Chris Richardson, Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said with the transition it’s a good time to look at the plan.  Hillmann said the process they plan will include administrators, staff, School Board members and the community to find, “what is our North Star”.  With kids as the focus, Hillmann says they will start at the goal and work backwards.  That goal being to create kids that are confident in their abilities whatever they decide to do.  The planning will begin in early August.  Hillman says they should have a plan ready by September.

Sign up now for Night to Unite

Night to Unite is coming up August 2nd but the registration deadline is July 19th.  Police Chief Monte Nelson said members of the Mayors Youth Task Force and HCI are putting together packets for those holding parties.  Included in the packets are games for kids.  They would like to know how many to create.  Nelson said Night to Unite is an opportunity for neighbors to get together with law enforcement, meet each other, discuss any issues and just engage.  Go onto the City’s website and on the front page is a link to more information and to register your neighborhood party.  For more information, contact Officer Angela Borchardt at the Northfield Police Department, telephone: 507-663- 9336, email: .

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