Today’s news update – EDA unanimously supports Imminent Brewery; Online communication of Northfield School District Master Facilities plan elicits 6x the feedback as face-to-face; Stone Bridge work on Hwy 19 begins anew; STEAM presents STOMP


EDA unanimously supports Imminent Brewery 

Imminent Brewing received unanimous approval from the Northfield EDA last week for their application of a $50,000 revolving loan.  Randy and Tonja Clay and Derek and Laura Meyers will renovate the garage portion of the Armory to house their brewing operation and open a taproom.   Community Development Director Chris Heineman said they’ll use the funds, in part, for the purchase of the building, some equipment and working capital.  Randy told the EDA that there are 2 reasons breweries fail are being undersized for production and under funded.  Derek told the EDA that they are focused on using local produce, “one of our favorite things to do is to use ingredients from some of the local farmers.  

John Porterfield has a wonderful cherry operation.  Every year Andy taps trees up at St. Olaf and makes a beer using maple syrup”.  Their idea is to not only bring the local flavor to Northfield but beyond with visitors.  Explaining the advantage of more than one local brewer, Derek said, “Northfield is going to become a destination for this kind of craft industry and we want to be a part of that”.  He added that they supported Meeting Hall Brewery during the Dundas Council meeting.  He said, “it’s a very close knit, tight community and we’re all working together to do something better for this area and this industry.  That’s kind of what it’s all about”.  Imminent Brewing expects to complete the renovations and build out by late next Spring.

Online communication of Northfield School District Master Facilities plan elicits 6x the feedback as face-to-face

The Northfield School District has been assembling a Master Facilities plan for some time by eliciting thoughts from a number of groups and also through the online ‘Thought Exchange’ process.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said that information was just posted on the school website. You can find it on the District website HERE.  584 community members participated in the online process.  Through 26 face to face meetings they had maybe 100 people attend so they are very pleased with the participation in the Thought Exchange.  With today’s busy schedules, this was, “an authentic way where they could interact with some of the concepts that we’re thinking about, quite a distance from enacting any of them, but, they can think about them, they can provide thoughtful feedback, see what their neighbors and friends thought”.  Hillmann has also started a Superintendent’s blog page.  You can find it all on  

Stone Bridge work on Hwy 19 begins anew

Starting today staging for work on the Stone Bridge on Hwy 19 at Carleton College will begin.  Restoration will start July 25th with shoulder closures.  The bridge is then scheduled to close for 3 days in late August.  The whole project is expected to be complete by September 2nd.  Count on some delays.  

STEAM presents STOMP

St. Dominic’s invites the public to STOMP tonight at 6.  It’s part of their STEAM series focusing on the Arts.  Principal Vicki Kalina Marvin explains that it’s a rhythm and musical activity using everyday instruments.  STEAM is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Classes are offered in four week intervals throughout the school year. Registration for the 16/17 school year has begun.

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