Due to the recent heavy rains and higher than normal lake levels on some lakes – Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn has enacted a temporary emergency no-wake zone on the following Rice County Lakes: Cannon Lake, Wells Lake, Circle Lake, Shields Lake and Roberds Lake. Each of these lakes is being posted with the order at the Public Accesses. The no-wake zone is for the entire body of water. “Slow – no wake” means operation of a watercraft at the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles per hour. Violators may be cited.
We would also like to remind citizens to be very cautious about tubing, canoeing or kayaking on our rivers throughout the county. The water levels are high and the water is very fast. There are additional hazards and debris in the river and this can be very dangerous. We would not recommend these activities at this time.