Today’s news update – Fargaze resident encourages Nfld Council to address flooding first; Rain doesn’t dampen DJJD; Nfld Library launches Lapsit


Fargaze resident encourages council to address flooding first

The Northfield City Council held a public hearing last week regarding the 4.6 acres of the 40 acre area of tax-forfeited land the City acquired in Fargaze meadows.  It has been proposed to turn back that smaller parcel to the County, who could put it on the open market.  Councilor DeLong and a couple of residents brought up concerns about potential housing in the area and the possible changes to road configurations.  Resident Karen Moldenhaur spoke against turning the parcel back saying a bigger concern is getting thru traffic past Spring Creek development to Hwy

246. She said, “That hasn’t been done and that’s an actual need.  So I encourage you to look at that before you consider housing and to address the flooding”.  Community Development Director Chris Heineman, speaking of possible development, said, “if the Council decided to turn back that 4.6 acres, it would be up to a new proposal by a new owner/developer”.  He said (a housing development) may not be feasible, there are a lot of options.  A vote is scheduled for September 20th.  The land was originally zoned for housing.

Rain doesn’t dampen DJJD

The largest all volunteer organization in the State can pat themselves on the back after another successful celebration of the Defeat of Jesse James.  General Chair and Northfield Historical Society Executive Director Hayes Scriven commented that in spite of some changes due to excessive rainfall, the carnival went well.  He heard good reports from the Carnival folks and the shuttles, aside from a few minor hiccups, worked out well.  Vendors at the Carnival site in the K-Mart parking lot said they were pleased and the move didn’t seem to affect the downtown vendors.  The rodeo grounds were a bit messy but the Sutton’s were prepared for the necessary changes.  The museum had great crowds all weekend.  On Thursday evening the tasting with a local distiller and a local brewer brought in hundreds.  Scriven added that 3,000 people went through the museum and learned the story.  The re-enactments are always are a huge draw.  There was just one incident… a saddle fell of a horse!  Explore Minnesota was down to film for a commercial they will air before the Super Bowl.  Scriven said, “so Northfield’s going to be featured”.  At the last raid on Sunday, the gang rode up and down the street a couple times so the Explore MN team could get b-roll.  A couple of new items included the craft show at Sechler Park and some different entertainment on Saturday in the tent.  Scriven said the hypnotist and juggler went over really well.  That type of entertainment will be added for a couple of years to see how it holds up.  And Miss Rodeo Minnesota 2017, Courtney Otto, was crowned Saturday night during the PRCA Rodeo.  Police Chief Monte Nelson said it was relatively quiet with just a few minors incidents.  He gave kudos to the DJJD Committee for all their work that makes the Celebration such a success.  He also thanked their partners in the Rice County Sheriff’s department and Emergency Medical Services.  

Nfld Library launches Lapsit

The Northfield Public library is holding a new event.  Infant Lapsit at 10 am on Tuesdays is designed to encourage development of language and motor skills by incorporating books with simple songs, rhymes and fingerplays. Plus you will meet other new parents! Now held in the blue area in the children’s area. For ages 6-18 months with parent or caregiver.



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