Today’s news update – Mayor declares State of Emergency – Cannon River levels reaching 899 feet; Parkland not to be parceled out; NAUW cancels Truck Pull


Mayor declares State of Emergency – Cannon River levels reaching 899 feet

Northfield Mayor Dana Graham signed a State of Emergency for the City due to the rising levels of the Cannon River which has risen nearly 4 feet since last night.  The order is valid for 72 hours and enables the City to better protect the public and infrastructure.  And allows the City to be reimbursed for emergency services.  On September 24th, 2010, the Cannon measured at 907 feet.  Officials are not expected those levels but more likely 900 feet, which is still problematic for both sides of the river.  The Emergency Management team has mobilized and Deputy Chief Mark Dukatz said barricades have been placed to keep people away from the flowing river especially along the walkway near the dam.  Businesses along the river, including Just Food Coop, have placed

sandbags and others are already using their sump pumps to keep groundwater out.  The City of Northfield has posted numerous resources, guidelines, and contact information on their website home page under “Emergency Preparedness Resources,”. The Northfield Police Department is asking citizens to use caution. Do not wade or swim in the Cannon River. Monitor children and do not allow them to approach the river. – Do not enter streets, parks, or sidewalk areas that have been blocked, taped, or labeled as closed. – If you encounter flooded streets, do not try to drive into or through the water.  Many parks in the area are flooded.  Faribault has declared a State of Emergency.  Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn issued a press release saying a number of roadways are closed due to flooding and we may see more in the near future. Please do not walk or drive across roadways that have running water over them. Do not drive around barricades. Please avoid any recreational boating on the rivers and streams. Err on the side of caution with these conditions. The Emergency Management team is holding a meeting right now (4:25pm).  We should hear more within the hour.

THIS JUST IN – hWY 65 ROAD CLOSURE IN ALBERT LEA.  hwy-65-road-closure-flooding-albert-lea-9-22-16

Parkland not to be parceled out

The forfeited 40 acres of land in Fargaze Meadows will not be split.  Tuesday night Council voted on whether to turn back 4.6 acres of the parcel to the County.  They’ve been discussing the idea for some time with some residents concerned over flooding issues.  Public Works Director Dave Bennett said a report showed that any efforts need to be focused on the Main Channel of Spring Creek to help prevent flooding.  He said the land in question is not in the main channel.  Councilor Peterson White commenting on the process of turning back the land said she felt the Council has been “transparent” and they’ve duly discussed issues and was prepared to approve the split.  Addressing other resident concerns she said their responsibility is to make decisions that create a sustainable bottom line for the City and that could be turning back that portion of the land and get the dollars back in property taxes which would help pay for the park.  The land was originally slated for housing but, should it be turned over, there’s no guarantee it would be developed for that purpose.  Pownell, Zweifel, Peterson White and Nakasian were for giving up the small portion, but in a twist, Nakasian voted against it.  The vote was 3 yeses and 4 no’s.  They needed a 5/2 vote for it to pass.  Council could choose to revisit the issue.

NAUW cancels Truck Pull

The Northfield Area United Way kicks off its Fall campaign “Truck Pull” has been cancelled.  Instead, they are asking for the community to volunteer to help those businesses and community members affected by the flooding to help out. Go to or call  507-403-9755 for more information.  

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