Today’s news update – The Cannon remains on the rise; Taxing Authority could be a plus for Northfield, a negative for Rural; A flea market find leads to a new tree


The Cannon remains on the rise

The Cannon River in Northfield has risen nearly 7 feet since Wednesday according to gauges used by the USGS. It’s at 900 feet above sea level.  Normal levels are generally 10 feet below that.  It has gone over the wall on the west side, and while officials say it’s not technically over the wall on the east side, it’s at the electrical box behind the Archer House.  Mayor Dana Graham said they met with Xcel Energy who have said they will not turn off the power.  In the 2010 flood the river was over 907 feet and Xcel shut off the power to the entire block from KYMN studios to Larsons. The City and business owners built a berm around the box.  This morning business owners, Chuck Pryor and

Norm Butler were placing plastic around it and sandbagging it, Jeff Johnson joined in to complete the berm.  All the parks are flooded, the rodeo grounds are completely under water and backyards of homes north of 2nd street on the Carleton side of Division are flooded. The College has evacuated the student residences.  Graham says we won’t be out of the woods for at least another week.  That doesn’t mean that some of that water won’t recede but the forecast calls for another inch to inch and a half tomorrow night.  Water began rising at the Lake Byllesby dam around 8:30 this morning which means they will likely open the gates.  That will help alleviate some of the issues in Northfield but it won’t solve it.  It also means that Cannon Falls green spaces will flood.  Police Chief Monte Nelson has been busy.  Officials are watching the Straight River which feeds into the Cannon. Rice County issued a flood warning at 8 this morning.  Nelson said it’s really hard to predict the crest with so many variables.  He added that it’s important to keep away from the River.  It is flowing very fast and there’s a lot of debris in it.  Graham said the City gave out 6500 tons of sand yesterday and through Northfield Shares, Candy Taylor amassed a large group of volunteers.  Graham added a big thank you to all the volunteers including the Northfield High School Football Team who “did a tremendous job”.  Faribault and Rice County declared a State of Emergency yesterday.  Sheriff Troy Dunn said a number of roadways were closed yesterday and we may see more in the near future. I have this information on  MnDot has also closed several roads.  Northfield officials will meet again at 1:30 this afternoon.  Below pictures were taken at 10:45am

Taxing Authority could be a plus for Northfield, a negative for Rural

NAFRS held a 3 hour meeting yesterday to gather more information on becoming a taxing authority.  Jody Wagner from the Rice County Auditor’s office talked about the changes in taxes for residents of the NAFRS service area, which is 144 square miles.  She said the changes would mean the burden to residents of Northfield would drop to 63{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}  while the townships would jump to 31{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}.  With the Joint Powers agreement, Northfield’s share is 72{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} and Rural’s is 22{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}.  Dundas pays 5{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}.  Cloquet Fire Chief Kevin Schroeder told the crowded conference room of the process they went through and are still working out some of the legislative language.  I’ll have more on the story and NAFRS Board Chair Glen Castore will be in studio Monday morning at 7:20.  

A flea market find leads to a new tree

You’re invited tomorrow to join the Josiah Edson Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution with local and state dignitaries in the dedication of a 20 foot Patriot Elm at the Northfield Carnegie Library.  Edson had dedicated a Washington Elm in 1932 but it died from Dutch Elm disease.  Members of DAR found the original 1932 bronze plaque at a flea market and it will be rededicated with the new disease resistant tree.  The event starts at 10am.  

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