Today’s news update – Good news on the Riverfront but extreme caution still necessary; Motorcyclist arrested in fatal Elko/New Mkt crash; Live streaming interrupted due to renovations


Good news on the Riverfront but extreme caution still necessary

The Cannon river officially crested at about 901 feet on Saturday.  It dropped a foot in 24 hours and another foot overnight.  At 10 this morning the official 2nd street gauge measured the river at just under 899 feet.  A normal level is about 9 feet below that.  Police Chief Monte Nelson said the Straight River readings continue to fall. West Cannon River levels are still rising, but very slowly and levels in Northfield should continue to drop, albeit much slower than they rose.  Police and Streets Dept. staff will continue to monitor affected areas along the river, and they will adjust/move restrictions when necessary.  Emergency Mgmt Director Tim Isom, said late

Saturday evening that we were at 2014 levels, we rose some from there.  In 2010, the river rose to over 907 feet.  Chief Nelson said the lessons learned from the 2010 flood made a huge difference. The power boxes behind the Archer House, Larsons and Basils were sandbagged heavily this time to keep Xcel from having to shut off power to those blocks.  He added that they continue to monitor effects on the parks and bridges as debris continues to flow down river.  The river is moving extremely fast and the public needs to use extreme caution.  Nelson said, “it would be pretty hard to rescue someone right now … plus the water is not what you would call very sanitary right now”.  He cautions folks not to wade in the water.  It’s very hard to tell where the bottom is as you approach the water, there may be a sinkhole or an edge that isn’t visible.  Nelson praised the community, the city employees and in particular Candy Taylor of Northfield Shares.  He said she’s owed a huge thanks by not just business owners but the City.  He added that she’s done a fantastic job getting volunteers organized and getting them where they need to be.  Chief Nelson and KYMN will continue to update with any necessary information.  

Motorcyclist arrested in fatal Elko/New Mkt crash

The Star Tribune reports that a motorcyclist who hit and killed a pedestrian Sunday morning in Elko New Market has been arrested.  At 2:24 Sunday morning, a 24-year-old woman was struck by a motorcycle in the 9700 block of Main St. in Elko New Market.  Life-saving measures were attempted but she was pronounced dead at the scene.  The motorcyclist left the scene after hitting the woman, but the Scott County Sheriff’s Office and the Elko New Market police department conducted an investigation and found the suspect, who was arrested and booked at the Scott County jail. Charges are pending. The case remains under investigation.  Neither the victim or the suspect have been identified.  

Live streaming interrupted due to renovations

KYMN studios are undergoing renovations and our live stream has been interrupted.  We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to have it up and running later this afternoon.  

Click below to listen to the 9-26-16 NEWS podcast:


 Listen for news updates on-air at 6, 7, 8, Noon, 3 and 5

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