Today’s news update – Northfield man arrested for smashing windshields; Aldi’s getting closer to closing a deal with Dundas; Nfld School Board could okay Strategic Plan; Cemetery stories come alive


Northfield man arrested for smashing windshields

A Northfield man is in jail charged with 2 felonies.  26 year old Justin Gerald Sabyan is accused of damaging the vehicles of a woman and her mother.  On Friday, Northfield police were called to the 2000 block of Sibley View Ct.  The woman said she’d been arguing with Sabyan, they heard noise in the garage and saw him between the vehicles.  A family member stated that Sabyan was pounding his chest with a stapler.  The family member asked him why he damaged the vehicles.  According to the criminal complaint he told him he woke up in the dark and asked what he was supposed to do. The witness said he watched Sabyan strike several other vehicles along

the street with his fist.  When police arrived, they found both windshields smashed and broken glass all over. One of the vehicles had an indent and paint damage to the passenger side hood/upper fender area. A metal stapler was found on the garage floor.  Vehicle damage was estimated at more than $1,000 per vehicle.  Sabyan was found a block from the home. He told officers he woke up in a blackout and didn’t remember where he was.  He had blood on his left arm, multiple scratches on his upper body and, what appeared to be, glass shards all over his upper back.  His breath test measured more than twice the legal limit at 0.173 AC.  He’s charged with 2 counts of 1st degree damage to property.  Each carries up to 5 years in prison.  Sabyan has previous convictions for theft, burglary and drug and alcohol charges.

Aldi’s getting closer to closing a deal with Dundas

Dundas changed their sign ordinance, aligning more closely with Northfield’s which allows the proposed Aldi’s Market to comply with the ordinance without having to get a variance.  City Administrator John McCarthy commented that Aldi’s, “they’ve been authorized to proceed with the design work, they’re doing soil borings, they’re doing a Phase 1 Environmental study.  They’re doing their due diligence to make sure the site meets all their criteria”.  However, McCarthy says nothing is confirmed until they take out a building permit.  

Nfld School Board could okay Strategic Plan 

The Northfield School Board will likely approve their new Strategic Plan this month.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said that it’s been a much more inclusive process than you typically see.  Normally there are 35 to 40 people involved in the process.  Hillmann said by the end of the process they heard from 186 people including staff, community members, school board members and administrators.  It also included an event at Greenvale Park where 16 Spanish speaking families, with an interpreter went through the whole process.  Hillmann believes they have a broad perspective as they finalize the details.  

Cemetery stories come alive

The Northfield Historical Society brings back Cemetery stories.  This year’s event is on Saturday at the Northfield Cemetery and will include stories from seven of Northfield’s former residents including Betsy Scofield, Charles Wheaton and Lincoln Fey. There are 9 tour times but each group is limited and spots fill up fast.  Go to or call 507-645-9268.

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