Today’s news update – Youth Internships at City Hall?; Nfld Council will consider LINK funding; Candidate forum videos; Domestic Violence kills 3 woman every day in America


Youth Internships at City Hall?

The Northfield Council considered a Youth internship possibility within the City.  Administrator Ben Martig said it would be primarily for high school students.  He stated there’s $10,080 in new money adding they’re looking at next summer.  There are a number of projects for four people.  He said he thought it could be a real benefit for the City.  Youth Future Coordinator Sandy Malecha said the program would be 7 weeks over the summer.  Councilor Nakasian didn’t think they should be paid, however, Malecha said that’s really a thing of the past and some of these kids have jobs and can’t take

unpaid time.  She said, “what we’ve learned through looking at other models is that, especially as we’re trying to train the next generation of the workforce it’s a wise investment”.  They could also partner with Civics classes and engage more students in city business.  Mayor Graham is 100{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} for it.  This will come back to council for a vote.  

Nfld Council will consider LINK funding

The Northfield Council meets tonight.  On the agenda are hearings on 3 separate properties on the east side of town.  Council is being asked to declare them all a public nuisance, meaning they’re full of junk and blighting the neighborhoods.  The LINK Center contract is on the regular agenda as is a request for funding of SMIF and the purchase of a street sweeper.  Administrator Ben Martig will be in studio at 7:20 tomorrow morning with a full recap.  He’s filling in for Mayor Dana Graham during the election season.  

Candidate forum videos

The Northfield Council candidates Forum this morning will be posted online as soon as possible.  Videos of the State, Mayoral and Northfield School Board candidate forums are posted on  The Northfield League of Women Voters is sponsoring Mayoral and Council Candidate Forums on Saturday at the Northfield Community resource center.  The Mayoral forum begins at 9am with the council forum at 10:30am.    

Domestic Violence kills 3 women every day in America

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Hope Center Director Erica Staab-Absher says 3 women are killed every day in America by their domestic partner.  The Hope Center guides women (and a few men) in what to do.  The first step is to call them.  Their services are free and confidential.  She said they can help walk you through all the next steps, including a safety plan.  “Women are 7 times more likely to be murdered by their partner when they’re in the process of leaving”.  They can help with the practical things and connect their clients with other resources including temporary housing.  It’s not a simple process and they can help with creating that plan.  Compassion is a very important component to all they do and they are working to implement that blueprint.  They’re looking at how each entity responds including, “law enforcement from 911 all the way to corrections. What are they doing together and how can they do it more effectively and hold the offender accountable.  And also provide safety and security for that victim”.  There are a few resources for men who have anger issues and ask for help, Hope Center can connect them.  Staab-Absher said they will also answer questions and direct concerned friends and family of a victim.  Staab-Absher has written a book called “She Stays”.  click on the link.

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