Today’s news update – $5 mil for less than 2 miles of road; “Is it or is it not a gun” – Sheriff Dunn says a new definition of BB gun is worrisome;


$5 mil for less than 2 miles of road

What do you get for $5.1 million?  Reconstruction of a 1.6 mile stretch of a rural road.  Rice County Commissioner Galen Malecha talked about the roadwork planned for County Road 1 between Hwys 3 and 246.  Malecha said they’re looking at a roundabout at the top of the hill where there are housing developments.  Looking to the future, it’s anticipated the traffic will double in 10 years or so.  Malecha said, for safety reasons, roundabouts make the best sense.  A demand by the Commissioners is the proposed roundabout

be large enough to accommodate a combine.  Three options for that hill include lowering it 2 feet, lowering it 5 feet or putting in a roundabout and lowering it 10 feet.  Malecha said lowering 2 or 5 feet isn’t really going to address the site line issue.  If a roundabout is built the hill must be lowered 10 feet.  Dundas would have to move some water and sewer lines.   Dundas Administrator John McCarthy has voiced concern over the cost.  But Malecha says they “have one chance in 60 years to get it right”. That is the lifespan of the roadway.  More of my discussion with Commissioner Malecha on County Road 1 is posted on  

“Is it or is it not a gun” – Sheriff Dunn says a new definition of BB gun is worrisome

The MN Legislature has declared that BB guns are not a firearm as it pertains to a felon in possession charge.  This settles a dispute that has begged attention for years, but it’s not exactly what law enforcement wanted to hear.  Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn said it’s still a projectile but the real scary part is, “if they choose to use those for criminal behavior most people aren’t going to stop and take the time to say is that a BB gun or is that a real gun?”.  Dunn says if someone, including a Police Officer, feels threatened, they’re going to do what they can to protect themselves, “if somebody has a gun and it’s pointed at us or they’re not listening to us to put it down we can’t stop and say, okay, Time Out, is that a BB gun or is that a .22 pistol or is it a 9mm , what is it?”  In 2015 the MN Court of Appeals declared a BB gun a firearm in the case of a felon banned from carrying those weapons.  But last week Supreme Court Judge Natalie Hanson said they looked to the dictionary definition which states the use of an explosive propellent.  BB guns use air.   We’ll hear more from Rice County Attorney John Fossum next week.

CROP walk for hunger and more

You haven’t missed it, this year’s Northfield Crop Walk is a little later than usual.  Chair Clark Cary said that year after year Northfield’s walk brings in the most dollars and participants throughout the State.  This year’s Walk is Sunday and will start at the Northfield United Methodist Church.  Registration is at 1:30 with the walk at 2.  The walk is just over a mile and ends at Bridge Square.  Carey says it not just about food but wells, seeds, farming, medical and about disaster relief.  Carey says 75{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} of the money raised goes to global issues while 25{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} will stay local.  The Northfield Community Action Center is the beneficiary here.  Listen to his full interview on  

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