Today’s news update – Planning Commission looks to amend LDC; TEDMED Live comes to Northfield;


Planning Commission looks to amend LDC 

The Northfield Planning Commission discussed a text amendment to change the zoning ratio in the R1 district.  City Planner Scott Tempel told the commission that since the LDC was reworked and the ratio of building size to lot size was set at 25{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}, it’s been adversely affecting residents. He said, “in summary, I think about a third of the residents are affected by this.  If we would raise it to 30{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}, we would still have the same effect of limiting the McMansions but also we could get away from being overly restrictive on these properties”.  This standard was put in place when the LDC was adopted to try and limit large homes being constructed out of character with the neighborhood.

 Tempel said, unfortunately, the impact of this standard has affected existing homes more than proposed homes.  While only a handful of preliminary home designs have had to be slightly reduced to meet the standard, six variances have been issued to owners of small lots wishing to add a garage.  Many others have turned down the opportunity to request a variance to make their project work.  The vote was 3 to 1 in favor of having staff come back with a draft regulation.  A public hearing must be held and it would have to be recommended by the Planning Commission and then go to the City Council for approval.  

TEDMED Live comes to Northfield

TEDMED Live is coming to Northfield.  The School District, along with Northfield Hospital and Clinics are presenting the 3 day event beginning Wednesday.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Northfield Hospital CEO, Steve Underdahl, were in studio this morning and offer more information about these medicine specific subjects.  They include Invisible Threats, our own Endgame?  Can we be the architects of our own death?  The best thinkers in the world will be sharing breakthrough ideas at this global gathering and the public is invited to attend. This is open to the public and the format is the same as TED Talks.  It’s open to the public.  Find out more

Ruth’s House seeks volunteers and donations

Ruth’s House in Faribault is seeking donations and volunteers.  Some in kind items include paper towels, toilet paper, twin bedsheets, baby wipes and more.  You can donate at UCC Church in Northfield from 9a to 2pm Tuesday thru Friday. Ruth’s House provides over 7,000 nights of safe housing, along with food, support and resources to women and children involved in cycles of violence. For more information on donating and/or volunteering go online at or call 507-581-1374.  On Saturday the Benson Family Singers will perform a benefit concert for Ruth’s House this at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Faribault! Admission is free (donations accepted at the concert to benefit Ruth’s House).

In preparation for the 117th National Audubon Christmas Bird Count on December 18th,   Gene Bauer will give a presentation this Saturday at the Northfield Public Library, about how people in the community can participate in this one day event and contribute to a century of citizen science data.  People of all ages and levels of birding experience are welcome to attend!  Bring the whole family!  That’s Saturday from 10 to noon at the Northfield Public Library.

Click below to listen to the 11-28-16 NEWS podcast:


 Listen for news updates on-air at 6, 7, 8, Noon, 3 and 5

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