Farmers have been exploring new and creative ways to manage nitrogen fertilizer in recent years. Remote sensing, crop growth models, in-season soil testing and variable rate application technology have all drawn significant interest for the potential to add profit, while reducing environmental impact. Farmers have had to work diligently to determine the value of these technologies, all while keeping water quality issues in mind.
Nitrogen Smart is an educational program designed to provide the information necessary to evaluate nitrogen fertilizer options. The program is being offered through a partnership between University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Corn Growers, and the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center. The three hour program will be offered in 8 locations around Minnesota starting on December 12. Locations and times include:
- December 12, 4-H Building, Slayton, 1:00 PM
- December 13, 1:00 PM, Maynard Event Center, Maynard
- December 14, 9:00 AM, Best Western, New Ulm
- December 15, 1:00 PM, U of M West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris
- December 16, 9:00 AM, Hjemkomst Center, Moorhead
- December 19, 1:00 PM, McLeod Co. Extension Office, Hutchinson
- December 21, 9:00 AM, St. Charles City Hall, St. Charles
- December 22, 9:00 AM, 4-H Building, Faribault
Three more meetings specifically designed for farms with irrigation will be scheduled in January.
Attendees will receive “Nitrogen Smart” designation, which will be good for three years. There is no cost to attend due to generous support from the Minnesota Corn Growers. For more information, exact locations, and preregistration information you can visit: