Today’s news update – Nfld School Board sets levy; Fostering “positivity” through Art – 2 institutions come together; STND offers unique gifts just in time


Nfld School Board sets levy at .19{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}

The Northfield School board held their Truth in Taxation meeting last night.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said the levy was set at 0.19{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} which translates to $26,000 higher than last year.  Last year they went down 0.2{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}.  There was one individual spoke.  Hillmann said often folks don’t understand why their property taxes may have gone up.  He said, “the major driving factor is home valuation. If you see your taxes go up more than I’m suggesting … the important thing is to look at how your home valuation differed from last year”.  That could be driven by a number of factors. Within your property taxes are 3 taxing authorities;  the school district, the City and the County.  If you have any questions contact the Rice County Auditor.  

Fostering “positivity” through Art – 2 institutions come together  

Amid National election angst on all sides, the Executive Directors of the Northfield Arts Guild and the Northfield Historical Society came up with an art project to foster positivity.  Hayes Scriven called Alyssa Herzog Melby with an idea that he thought might be silly, “people draw their past on a card and on the other side they draw their future”.  She thought it was awesome and gave it some shape. She said, “one of the things in addition to the negativity that we were seeing was this divisiveness and sort of this unwillingness, maybe, or inability to really begin to listen or understand the, quote unquote, the other side whatever that other side might be for you and your beliefs”.  So that’s how the project got it’s name, “The Brighter Other Side”.  Draw your history in black and white, the cards will be strung up on some line and then patrons, those viewing them, will be encouraged to flip them over and there, will be what you envision your future to be in color.  Herzog Melby said, “so, quite literally, the brighter other side”.  They’re working with various organizations including the YMCA, the Senior Center, a few classrooms and, of course, the entire community.  The 6×6 inch squares are available at those venues, the Historical Society and the NAG.  You can create your art there or take them home and then bring them to the NAG.  The deadline is Friday, December 23rd. In early January they will string them together and hang them in those various areas. You can put your name to it, or not.  HowtosubmitapieceforTheBrighterOtherSide 


The trailer of a semi truck coming out of McLane onto Hwy 19 slid off the road when it came unhooked from the cab.  Northfield fire and rescue and police arrived.  No one was hurt, expect for, perhaps, an ego.  The road was blocked for a time.  Thanks to Britt Olson Sr. for the pictures!

STND offers unique gifts just in time

The Save the Northfield Depot group has just the gift.  Representative Lynn Vincent said they’re paving the way from the past to the future with the sale of engraved pavers.  You can purchase a 4×8 for $150 or an 8×8 for $300.  They will be placed in the patio that will be part of the sculpture garden.  You can order online at or stop by the KYMN studios and pick up a form. This fundraiser will pay for the continuing renovations on the building, the sculpture garden and the pavilion.  

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