Today’s news update – Backing into a deposit; Tax return investment in drugs runs amok; Intersection impact study set for tonight

news-radioBacking into a deposit 

It would appear that someone was anxious to make a deposit at the First National Bank on Division Street yesterday afternoon.  A vehicle jumped the curb and backed into the front door just missing a teenage boy coming out.  The driver reported their foot slipped.  Luckily there were no injuries except a little wounded pride.  The front door of the bank suffered some minor damage as did the bumper on the vehicle.  This is the

3rd vehicle in the last couple of years to jump the curb on Division street and bump into a building.  A driver took out the large front glass of Quality Bakery and the Northfield Historical Society suffered some damage to the bank door when a driver ran into the museum.  

Tax return investment in drugs runs amok

When a Faribault man came into some money, he decided to invest in drugs before his next scheduled court appearance.  According to the criminal complaint,  the Cannon River Drug and Violent Offender Task Force was informed that 37 year old Demarcus Barker planned on traveling to Chicago with his $10,000 tax return and buy drugs and be back by March 16th.  Rice County Attorney John Fossum said when he got to Faribault, police were waiting for him.  When they tried to stop him, he pulled over and then took off leading police and the Sheriff’s office deputies on a chase through Faribault.  Fossum said police hung back a bit and Barker got off on a county road and crashed the car.  Law enforcement found the passenger window open and 250 grams of marijuana strewn about the vehicle.  Barker and his cousin ran off but were soon apprehended.  Law enforcement retraced the chase route the next day up to the crash site.  Fossum said they found, “cocaine, crack and some pills they first thought were ecstasy but turned out to be methamphetamine”.  Judge Long determined that the police didn’t have probable cause to believe those were Barkers, however, the Court of Appeals said they did have cause, “so now this case comes back and it will proceed to trial and we’ll have the opportunity to at least prove at trial that he was in possession of those drugs that he brought them he brought them from Chicago”.  Barker is charged with 9 felonies, the most serious charge, importing drugs across state borders, carries a sentence of up to 35 years.  In 2011 Barker received 5 years in prison in the connection of the shooting of another man during a drug deal.  He remains in the Rice County jail.  A plea hearing is scheduled for January 3rd.  Full complaint (although other charges added):  Barker Demarcus

Intersection impact study set for tonight

The City of Northfield has been doing an engineering study on the intersection of Hwy 246 and Jefferson Road involving several stakeholders including the School District and MnDot.  Tonight the consultant will present those findings.  City Administrator Ben Martig said it’s really looking at traffic flow and safety including the current conditions and what can be improved. It also focuses on pedestrian access.  The presentation begins at 6pm with an open house format following.  Right now there’s a 4 way stop at the intersection, there will be a few options presented such as signals, a roundabout and pedestrian enhancements.  It’s mostly receiving the information tonight but they will certainly listen to community feedback, there will be plenty of time for input.  The meeting will be recorded and posted to the City’s website later.  It takes place at City Hall on Washington St. in Council Chambers from 6 to 8pm.  

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