Today’s news update – Council to look at “pre-construction” contracts with NAFRS; “Bridges out of Poverty 2” coming to Northfield; Recycle your Christmas trees… with goats


Council to look at “pre-construction” contracts with NAFRS

The last item on the agenda for the new Northfield Council tonight is a discussion of 3 pre-construction contracts related to the Northfield Fire Facility.  NAFRS Chair Glen Castore said these contracts are for surveyors and other people/work they need done this year.  That includes drawings, bid packages, and the hiring of Jerry Anderson as the NAFRS Project Representative.  These pre-construction costs could be added into the bonding costs, if they choose to, the decision will be made in July or August.  Castore said

the bonding would be done in the 4th quarter of this year for building in 2018.   The NAFRS Board has put an upper limit at $3.5 million.  The City of Northfield will be the bonding agent.  The other 2 parties, Dundas and Rural, would then pay the City of Northfield their share.  NAFRS Board member Dana Graham suggested that Jerry Anderson, an ex-officio board member, either not be paid or resign his position so it doesn’t look like they’re “taking care of their own” if he’s hired as their Project rep.  Attorney Maren Swanson has drafted an agreement to address those issues.   Castore commented, “No, he doesn’t have to step down as an ex-officio member, he doesn’t have to do the work for free.  I think it would be crystal clear to everybody in the public that this is all above board”.  Anderson would be paid $26,000 for the position, far below industry standard.  City Administrator Ben Martig and Mayor Rhonda Pownell will be in studio at 7:20 tomorrow morning with a recap of the meeting.

“Bridges out of Poverty 2” coming to Northfield

One of every 13 homes in the Northfield School district somehow depends on the Community Action Center for their household economics.  Executive Director, Jim Blaha says that’s about 8{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}, adding that, within the school district, about 27{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} of students qualify for free or reduced lunches.  Being hungry, having stress at home has a large effect on students learning.   “Bridges out of Poverty 2” is a follow up workshop hosted by the Northfield Community Action Center to lift people out of poverty, eliminate the need.  The first workshop discussed “the hidden rules”, ways to interact with people in the varying economic layers.  This workshop will be about applying those principles, about how it might be effective in community circles, how do we interact with systems that are affecting people.  In particular, the health system.  Rather than policy, it will be individual ability.  While many of the attendees are professionals in service industries, church groups, those who want to volunteer somehow and those in poverty, Blaha says everyone is invited.  It takes a community to build a bridge.  Bridges out of Poverty 2 is January 12th from 8:30am to 3:30 at Bethel Lutheran Church in Northfield.   The cost is $75 including materials and lunch.  Pre register by calling the CAC or go online.  

Recycle your Christmas trees… with goats

River Bend Nature Center has teamed up with “Goat Dispatch” in Faribault to offer a unique “recycling” opportunity for real Christmas trees and wreaths.  Goat Dispatch, owned by Jake and Amanda Langeslag, specializes in land management using goats to remove invasive and pest plant species.  They use the trees as a winter treat for their goat herd. Feeding the trees to the goats keeps the trees out of the landfill, puts them to good use as browse for the goats during the plant-free months, and uses the goats’ natural digestive processes to “recycle” the trees.   Drop off your trees and wreaths at the River Bend Nature Center parking lot in the area marked for tree donations.  Be sure there are no ornaments on it, the tree is not flocked and was harvested locally.  Learn more here.  

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