Nfld Council gives their support for Fire Facility; Sidewalks a concern raised for Nfld street reclamation projects; Sheriff’s office warns – Don’t drive on the lakes

The NAFRS joint powers board continues to debate issues surrounding the upgrade of the Fire Facility.  While each of the 3 entities, Northfield, Dundas and Rural, agree there needs to be an upgrade, Dundas has consistently questioned the process of HOW the Facilities committee came to their conclusions and asked for transparency.  With 2 new members on the NAFRS Board, they also need some clarification. Chair Glen Castore was in this morning. He said Dundas Mayor Glenn Switzer will be on the Facilities Committee from now on.   Castore’s entire interview is online at   In the meantime, the Northfield Council unanimously approved a resolution indicating their support of the proposed $3.5 million project at the

current site at Hwy 3 and 5th street.  That includes Northfield bonding for the entire project and Rural and Dundas paying Northfield for their fair share.   When explaining the agenda item to council, Administrator Martig said that he was asking them if they’re comfortable with these primary talking points realizing that there will be more details to come as they move forward.    He included the fact there MAY be additional costs.  In particular to Northfield if they want a trail in the area, as Martig said, it’s a “kind of now or never” situation as they work in the area.  Building aesthetics and landscaping would also be more of a concern to Northfield as the building is in a major gateway to the downtown, although not all Councilors agreed on the extent of the landscaping and aesthetics.  Councilor Peterson White had questions regarding project management, saying, “I’m just wondering if we can get a little more information on, sort of, how those roles look like in relationship to who we’re hiring to do what and how they’re different from one another”.  Martig said a management agreement would be worked out between the City and NAFRS.  Clearly there will be further discussion as Dundas has not signed on yet.  The presentation of the final McGrath Report is now confirmed for Wednesday, January 25, from 6:30-8:00pm.  The presentation will take place in the meeting room of the Northfield Police Department, at 1615 Riverview Drive, Northfield.

Sidewalks a concern raised for Nfld street reclamation projects 

Reclamation of a street is removing the surface and redoing it.  Northfield has 9 locations for this process this year.  Administrator Martig said what were of particular interest to Councilors were sidewalks along Maple St. from Woodley to Nevada; 9th St. from Maple to Nevada and Nevada from 9th to 7th.  (School zone area) Councilor DeLong was concerned about the cost of sidewalks on both sides and wanted to know how many people would actually use them saying those dollars could possibly be used for the Hwy 246 and Jefferson Pkway intersection.  Zweifel said the numbers would not influence her decision.  Peterson White said it’s about getting children near Sibley school there safely.  The projects will move forward with a public hearing on February 7th.  

Sheriff’s office warns:  Don’t drive on the lakes

The Rice County Sheriff’s office is advising people to not drive cars and trucks on the lakes.  The ice conditions have been deteriorating over the past few days and will continue to do so until this moderate weather passes.  The Sheriff’s office will continue to monitor the situation.

1-23-17 NEWS

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