Council ok’s Sidewalk addition to Reclaim project; Scriven recognized by Mayor and Council; School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

Looks like Marvin Lane will get sidewalks.  The Northfield Council voted 5 to 1 to move ahead with a new feasibility report to add the change to their 2017 street reclamation project.  Mayor Pownell said, “and normally with our Complete Streets Policy we consider sidewalk installation when we are looking at redoing our streets”.  Councilor DeLong felt that the kids wouldn’t use the sidewalk as it takes them out of their way.  Most of them walk through the Church parking lot.  He felt the money would be better used to get an

easement from Cornerstone Church.  Administrator Martig said the council was also looking more broadly at sidewalk connections with the Hwy 246 and Jefferson Pkwy intersection.  City Engineer Dave Bennett didn’t want that included in this project as it goes out of the boundary of the project area.  Council’s interest centered around student safety.  Pownell added, “the motion last night included narrowing the street to 32 feet and then putting in the sidewalk and that would allow for the sidewalk not to really go as far into people’s yards”.  It would also be traffic calming.  While the motion last night only needed a simple majority, the entire project which includes Maple, 9th and Nevada, will need a supermajority to pass.  This will come back to them in March.  Find out more by clicking HERE  Here are two of the design options for Marvin Lane

4 – Marvin Sidewalk Option 2      3 – Marvin Sidewalk Option 1

Scriven recognized by Mayor and Council

There were also several presentations at the Council meeting including Recognition of Hayes Scriven.  Administrator Martig read, “whereas he has committed his professional life to the education of the community…” Read in full here Certificate of Appreciation  Northfield Historical Society Board President, Greg Kneser, thanked the Council “for recognizing an Elder among us and to recognize his service to our town”.  Scriven spoke from his heart about his love of Northfield and the community itself, “I wouldn’t have been able to do half the stuff I did without the people around me in this community’s support.  I want to thank you all for that because you made me what I am… like it or not!”  His last day is February 28th.  There will be an open house for Scriven tomorrow from 4p to 7p at the Historical Society on Division Street with a program at 5:30p..  Cathy Osterman has been named Interim Executive Director.

School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed today the first ever School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!  We had set up a time to talk with Benjamin Bus Manager Jenna Dardis and driver Carmen Sevcik but neither could get away with some drivers out sick and on vacation!  Somehow it seems appropriate as the Governor honors this dedicated bunch.  Benjamin Bus has over 45 drivers that transport over 4,000 students daily in Northfield.  Their days begin early by doing safety pre-checks on their buses before their morning and afternoon routes.  Dardis said it’s pretty extensive and includes checking all the lights, under the hood, the tires and all around the whole exterior of the bus.  She said the drivers always come with a smile on their face to begin their day and see “their kids”.  Benjamin Bus is a family friendly company and a wonderful place to work, says Dardis!  At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, Benjamin Bus had over 400 YEARS of SAFE DRIVING acquired with all our drivers!! That’s pretty impressive!  So hug a bus driver today and say thanks!

2-22-17 news

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