$5 a day – Food challenge during Foodshare month; Snow brings crashes and a snow emergency; The City’s strategic planning kicks off April 6th; Kyte receives MASA Distinguished Service Award

Could you live on about $5 a day for food and drink?  That’s the challenge through Northfield’s Community Action Center during FoodShare month. The idea is to educate the public on food insecurity as well as generate a significant amount of their annual budget.  Executive Director Jim Blaha said their goal is $125,000 and 25,000 pounds of food.  The dollars give them 3 times the value because they can purchase food through the Food Bank in Rochester. The CAC’s foodshelf serves about 360 families a month.  SNAP benefits are about $5 a day.  If you buy a coffee, that’s a minimum of a dollar, have a beer at a local bar, that’s about $4.  The families of Mayor

Rhonda Pownell, Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann and Blaha will be taking the foodstamp or SNAP challenge to live on that budget for the week of March 26th. You’re invited to take the challenge with them. There will be reflections and comments from those taking the challenge on their website.  Blaha said you have to be an innovative person to manage on that kind of food budget.  It would test your creativity in the kitchen.  The CAC also offers a hot, nutritious meal every Thursday from 5-6:30 to the community at no cost. Last year an estimated 6,500 meals were served at Thursday’s Table. To learn more about donating to the Community Action Center, visit communityactioncenter.org/donate.  There are food collections boxes and the main fundraiser actually lasts through April 7th.  Listen to Blaha’s full interview on kymn.net.

Snow brings crashes and a snow emergency

In four hours late yesterday afternoon, at the peak of the snowstorm, Northfield saw six crashes and two slid into the ditch.  There were no serious injuries.  The City has declared a snow emergency.  Find the details on kymn.net or ci.northfield.mn.us.

The City’s strategic planning kicks off April 6th

The Northfield City Council is honing in on their dates for their Strategic Planning process.  City Administrator Ben Martig said they will kickoff the process on April 6th meetings with the Boards and Commissions.  (times and locations will be posted as the date gets closer) The meetings are open to the public but geared to the commisions/boards.  Their work sessions in April and May will be completely dedicated to the planning processes with the Facilitator, Craig Rapp.  They’ll have another meeting and by the end of May, Martig saysthey should have a clear direction on some of the key vision and goals.  They’ll then roll into the detailed tasks that staff will put together to come back to Council.  There will be multiple opportunities for the public to share their thoughts online.  You are encouraged to do that.  As soon as that’s set up, KYMN will share that with you.  They’ll hold a work session tomorrow which will include another version of a possible Basil’s Pizza expansion and a review of the NAFRS fire station upgrade agreement.



Kyte receives MASA Distinguished Service Award

The Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) awarded Dr. Charlie Kyte the Distinguished Service Award for his support of the children of Minnesota and for his contributions that have improved Minnesota’s public education system. He was honored at a statewide ceremony during the MASA/MASE Spring Conference last week in Brooklyn Park.  For nearly 50 years, Dr. Kyte has been an advocate for our nation’s public schools. He’s currently a Partner at PEER* Solutions, a company that provides a system for school districts to evaluate professional staff.  Kyte was Executive Director of MASA from 2000-11, he’s one of the founders in the development of “Minnesota’s Promise: World Class Schools; World Class State.”  He was Superintendent at Northfield Public Schools from 1989-2000.  Dr. Kyte remains a very active member of the Northfield Community.  

3-13-17 News

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