Council approves Pre-emption opposition amid word play; Hurdles jumped, Fire Hall rehab ever closer; Faribo woman with history – charged again with domestic violence; NHS Band coupon books on sale

A growing number of state governments across the nation are introducing legislation to establish laws that would nullify municipal authority, known as pre-emption. For example, the recent legislation to keep minimum wage the same across the State.  Proponents say it equalizes laws, preventing individuals and firms from navigating a patchwork of regulation.  However, it takes away local control.  This week the Northfield Council voted on a resolution to oppose Preemption laws.

City Administrator Ben Marig commented, “that’s a key value that we hold.  When passing legislation, take into consideration local city government controls, allow cities to do their business and don’t place unfunded mandates on them”.  The resolution makes no determination on specific bills and is primarily a resolution of position. After some positioning between Mayor Pownell and Councilor Peterson White on wording of the last “Now be it therefore resolved…”,  they voted 3 to 2 in favor.  [They specifically locked on the words “business” and “constituents”] C. DeLong was against the resolution saying he was not elected to be a lobbyist, that’s what they pay dues to the League for.  Councilor Colby said, “so I’ll support this because it’s a sense of something, it doesn’t bind us to anything, it doesn’t set any kind of policy.  It’s simply telling the legislature, look, take care of your business and let us do what we have done for 150 years and that’s to take care of local interests”.  Mayor Pownell, President of the League of MN Cities, announced it passed and moved on to councilor reports. They got through all of those when City Clerk Deb Little pointed out they needed 4 votes as it is a 7 member body.  Councilors Zweifel and Nakasian were absent.  The resolution, having died, could be brought back but with slightly different language to be voted on.  After more posturing another word was included [non-profits with commas in proper place] and it passed 4 to 1.    1 – Resolution Pre-Emption Legislation

Hurdles jumped, Fire Hall rehab ever closer

Figuring out who’s going to oversee rehabilitation of the Northfield Fire Hall took a while but NAFRS Joint Powers Board Chair, Glen Castore said, the Facilities Committee chose a Design Team made up of Chief Gerry Franek, Asst. Chief Jeff Mahacek, Jerry Anderson and city staff, Ben Martig, Dave Bennet and the IT person.  The Northfield Council approved all contracts, as did the NAFRS Board.  Drawings should be completed in June for review with construction and bidding documents in October.  Construction could begin in January of 2018.  Northfield will be bonding for the entire $3.5 million project with the other partners paying the City their fair share through the lease

Faribo woman with history – charged again with domestic violence

A Faribault woman is jailed for multiple counts of domestic violence. 51 year old Kelly Kim Kizer is accused of throwing a knife at a man she’s in a significant relationship with, hitting him with a coffee cup and threatening to beat his grandchild.   Late Wednesday morning Faribault police talked with the victim who had a large goose egg on his forehead.  He told them Kizer was intoxicated, threw a knife at a wall and threatened to “clock him”.  He tried to go to his bedroom and sleep but Kizer busted the door down.  The victim told police he was fearful that she might harm his grandson as she threatened to pick him up and slam him to the floor, when he was crying.  The victim said she’d been threatening him over the last few weeks and it’s gotten worse.  Kizer is charged with 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon and felony domestic assault.  She has previous convictions for violating harassment restraining order, 2 felonies for  violation of No contact orders, stalking and more.  Her court appearance is April 6th.   Kizer COMPLAINT (14)

NHS Band Coupon books on sale

KYMN has Northfield High School Band coupon books for sale!  Support the Northfield High School Band and buy a $25 coupon book with a value in the hundreds!  Coupons are good through January 31st, 2018.  


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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Join us for an evening of creativity and awareness as we screen captivating films from talented local, national, and international filmmakers who dive deep into pressing environmental issues facing our planet. Bring your friends, grab a refreshing drink, and get ready to connect with your neighbors while enjoying outstanding films that will inspire you to […]

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