2 Nfld men charged; Distracted driving #’s skewed; Nfld Council to hold 2 sessions for Strategic Planning


Two Northfield men are in jail charged with felony 5th degree drug possession.  Clifford’s Car Wash off Professional Drive has a reputation for suspicious drug activity as well as numerous break-ins of the facility at night.  An officer was patrolling the area Saturday night when he spotted a suspicious vehicle.  It was a Jeep with 3 people inside.  The male driver was identified 29 year old Dustin Martin Eugene Anderson.  Other officers arrived on scene.  A female was in the front passenger seat and in back was 29 year old Tyler Robert Adolph Boyd.  An officer could smell marijuana

coming from inside the jeep.  Anderson had stashed the baggie between his legs.  He handed it over and


was taken to the rear of the vehicle and revealed he had “paraffin” in his front pocket and a glass pipe used to smoke methamphetamine.  More meth was inside the Jeep.  He was placed under arrest.  There were confirmed warrants out for Boyd who had already violated probation.  He was arrested and searched.  The officer found cash and meth in Boyd’s sweatshirt. Boyd has a lengthy criminal history including drugs, burglary and assault.  His and Anderson’s first court appearances are May 22nd.  They’re facing up to 5 years.  Anderson Complaint    Boyd Complaint

Distracted driving #’s skewed

While Rice County did well in the distracted driving sweep, Sheriff Troy Dunn said at a TZD conference last week, they said, “the numbers for the texting and driving look low but they said you actually have to see somebody texting and driving or doing something to cite them for that.  So there were a lot more tickets and stops for other things such as inattentive driving”.  That means the numbers can be skewed.  On Dunn’s way into the KYMN studio last week he said, “I had a car pass me, speeding, she was doing her hair, both hands off the wheel driving up Hwy 3.  So I had to stop her and she got a ticket, no seatbelt on… and you know, I’m running late and it’s just like, how are you going to control the car if somebody stops in front of you, pulls out, a deer runs out…”  Distracted driving can mean a variety of things, pretty much anything that takes your eyes off the road, including a conversation.  

Nfld Council to hold 2 sessions for Strategic Planning

The Northfield City Council will hold 2 Strategic Planning sessions from 4:30 to 9pm today and tomorrow.  They’ll have 30 minutes for an Environmental scan of the City, it’s pluses and minuses, a review of the Community Forum held in early April, the community survey and more.  Tomorrow they’ll work on priorities.  The sessions are being held in the Northfield Police Station Conference room and are open to the public.  Mayor Pownell and Administrator Martig will be in studio at 7:20 tomorrow morning with a recap of the first evening’s work.  Click on the document for information the Council will discuss this today.  2017_05_08 City Council Strategic Planning Session Supplemental Background Memo for May 9, 2017 No, 1       

5-9-17 News




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