Better buckle up!; Fire hall renovation seeing tangible movement; Council has a break then it’s back with Basil’s; Riverwalk Market Fair looking for vendors

Twenty four hours after a statewide Seatbelt enforcement wave began, Northfield Police are taking it seriously.  Eleven citations were handed out yesterday. The enforcement continues through June 4th, which is also graduation day in the School District.  While overall Minnesotans are more likely to wear their seatbelt than the rest of the county, so far 2017 has been tough with 25 unbelted motorists having died.  

Fire hall renovation seeing tangible movement

There’s tangible movement on the NAFRS Fire Facility as the design committee goes through existing space.  Board Chair Glen Castore said thy’re going through the building section by section.  Last week they went through the living quarters, deciding what needs to be done.  There will be room for four.  There will be 2 unisex bathrooms, making it liveable for a female firefighter, should they hire one.  They must add fire exits and also have some ADA compliant issues to work through.  As for the new addition, the structural engineers are working with the footings for the area of about 4500 sq. ft.  That will hold the fire trucks.  Castore is confident that they can get the renovations and addition done at a cost under the estimated $3.5 million.  While the three entities of the joint powers, Northfield, Rural (which is 7 townships) and Dundas have discussed the costs, none of them have officially approved the cost.  Castore said they won’t until the end of summer after a more a solid estimate.  In other news, they plan on hiring firefighters 4 to 6 openings.  They’re taking applications to the first of June with hiring in September.  Go to for an application.  

Council has a break then it’s back with Basil’s

The Northfield City Council has the next 2 weeks off.  When they come back on June 6th they’ll vote on the sale of city-owned land to Basil’s Pizza and consider a minor subdivision.  City Planner Scott Tempel told the Planning Commission that it will turn the 3 lots into 1 through a minor subdivision process. The remainder of the parcel will be absorbed into the adjoining Right of Way and used for a potential future trail improvement or a public plaza. The entire river-walk on this side of the river is designated as Cannon River West Boulevard.  The remainder of the lot will be added to the Boulevard, making a wider access to the river and creating space for public art.  

Riverwalk Mkt Fair looks for vendors

The Riverwalk Market Fair in Northfield opens June 3rd and runs every Saturday through October.  If you have something to sell, they have some openings for vendors.  If you’re an organic farmer, an artist or an artisan of any trade, or perhaps a musician, send them an email at  for more information.  Artists and vendors have to be juried before they can be accepted into the show.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Join us for an evening of creativity and awareness as we screen captivating films from talented local, national, and international filmmakers who dive deep into pressing environmental issues facing our planet. Bring your friends, grab a refreshing drink, and get ready to connect with your neighbors while enjoying outstanding films that will inspire you to […]

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