34 year old Pedro Gonzalez Dunagan pled guilty this morning to felony domestic abuse against a Northfield woman, the mother of his children. He was charged with multiple counts of felony assault after witnesses called police to 309 Poplar Street south in early May. Witnesses reported yelling and saw Dunagan take a metal stool away from the victim who was reportedly holding it in defense. According to the criminal complaint, he threw it at her and when she was on the ground repeatedly hit her with his closed fists. The victim had various bruising and marks on her body and was transported for medical treatment. Dunagan had fled the scene but early that afternoon, Rice County deputies were called to a crash in Shieldsville, it was the victim’s mother and Dunagan, who attempted to walk away. With the guilty plea Dunagan faces up to 5 years. Sentencing is scheduled July 20th. He has 2 previous convictions for domestic abuse.
Northfield City Council Meets Tonight For A Work Session To Discuss The Strategic Plan
By Logan Wells, News Director | Logan@kymnradio.net The Northfield City Council meets tonight for a work session meeting. The meeting is focused on creating the