Nfld Council in “the home stretch” for Strategic Plan; Dundas approves $2.6 mil CIP; Nerstrand felon gets 5 years; Nfld Hosp considers adding Urgent Care

The Northfield City Council spent a good deal of time discussing the finer points of the 6 named priorities of the Strategic Plan they’ve been working on.  City Administrator Ben Martig said they’re in the home stretch now.  Staff and council worked on developing outcomes and how they would measure success.  Martig said that 28 of their upper management team held a strategic plan meeting to look at what the Council had developed and give feedback.  They also developed strategic initiatives.  Council handles the

What and the Why while staff takes care of the How. Martig added, “I felt like it was very productive”.  They wrapped up the key category areas, identified what those priorities were and the vision and mission statements were encapsulated.  Next month will be finalizing it with action plans.  Martig said there will be an engagement plan to talk with the Community, “ultimately, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we’d really like to make sure that it’s right before we go out there.  As always as we’re in the policy development phase all of our information is accessible online and we certainly encourage feedback from the public”. There’s a lot more information on the City’s website.  Here’s the LINK to the meeting. The following are PDF’s of material at the meeting.    Northfield-One Page Summary2  

City of Northfield—Vision and Mission Statements

Dundas approves $2.6 mil CIP

The Dundas City Council discussed their 2018 Capital Improvement Plan this week.  City Administrator John McCarthy said the Council approved $2.6 million for 2018.  That includes a couple of local road rehabs, sidewalks, work on the Co. Rd 1 project and trail and a new City Hall.  With their approval, McCarthy can now add those into the budget.  He said he and staff will come back to Council with costs and how to fund the projects.  If Council likes it, they’ll move ahead.  If not, they go back to the drawing board.

Nerstrand felon gets 5 years

A Nerstrand man was sentenced yesterday to 5 years in prison.  30 year old Jeremia Michael Roberts pled guilty in April of being a felon in possession of a firearm and giving a false name to police officers. On October 28th of last year, Roberts was found in a van with an uncased, unloaded shotgun.  He gave officers his brother’s name.  A female passenger reported seeing Roberts place the shotgun in the van and said he had been “jacking cars” the night before. Rice County Attorney John Fossum said in April that “Roberts showed that he was a danger to the community by possessing a shotgun after his felony conviction. Roberts has multiple convictions for theft, drugs and driving after revocation.   Judge Neuville also recommended Roberts for the “Boot Camp Program”.  

Nfld Hosp considers adding Urgent Care

2016 was a good year for Northfield hospital and Clinics.  CEO Steve Underdahl said they’re looking at adding additional space by “bumping out the walls” of the Northfield Clinic.  He added that they have not made any definitive decisions to recommend to the Board yet.  They’re also looking at offering an Urgent Care option off campus in Northfield which would likely take place this year while a build out of the Northfield Clinic is a year or two away.  

6-14-17 News

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