Sex offender now held without bail; Nfld School Board ratifies contract; The last in KYMN’s series on Climate Science/Climate Change; Hwy 19 detour coming

A former Northfield man convicted as a predatory sex offender was convicted of failing to register.  He eluded registration in Rice County for over two years as he dodged jail time and failed to appear in court twice.  A warrant was issued August 15th, he was picked up a week ago.   25 year old Edwin Alfredo Altamirano is now residing in the Rice County jail.  He was also convicted in Carver Co. of failing to register in 2012, where he also didn’t show up for court appearances.  Altamirano is being held without bail, sentencing is scheduled for September 8th.  

Nfld School Board ratifies contract

Last night the Northfield School Board ratified their teacher contract for the next two school years, Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said that they have vigorous, but respectful, debates on both sides of the negotiating table adding that, at the end of the day, they usually come together with a product that’s good for the District.  Hillmann said they way he always phrases it is, “that we want to make sure that we have a contract that recruits and retains the best staff that we can possibly have to work with kids while balancing that with the long term fiscal responsibility of the District to make sure that we can have as many people working with as many kids for as long as possible”.  Hillmann said the contract is the third lowest settlement over the last 20 years.  It includes a 2{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} increase in base pay for the first year and 2.28{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} for the second year, longevity pay for teachers who’ve worked in the system for at least 20 years there’s a $500 increase and a $1,000 increase for those with 25 years or more in.  They also increased the District matching for their version of a retirement account.   The Northfield Education Association will vote on Thursday.  

The last in KYMN’s series on Climate Science/Climate Change

Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) representative Alan Anderson wrapped up his 8 part series on Climate Science, Climate Change this week with a recap of the previous shows.  Anderson discussed how scientists know that global temperatures are rising, and while there are natural cycles, this is not one of them,in fact, if that were the case, temperatures should be lowering, instead we’re warming, so we know that it’s not due to normal changes but that we’re adding more Co2 levels.  Scientists have been studying our climate for 200 years.  Anderson says even back in the 1970’s there was no big debate going on on climate change, in fact, one of the teams of scientists that were really working with the government on research and causes of climate change were the scientists at Exxon Mobile.  Anderson said, “and they were all on board, they were working with government scientists”.  That collaboration changed when Exxon executives changed their philosophy to one centered more on profit.  Anderson says, “we should be smart enough to just look at the evidence, look at the trend line and say we don’t want more of this to happen. What do we need to do to prevent it from getting worse? “.  And that might just be a bipartisan solution, the carbon fee and dividend.  The entire series is on  In the search window, type Climate Series.  You’ll find the shows and additional information.  

Hwy 19 detour coming

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will detour Highway 19 east of New Prague beginning Tuesday, Sept. 5th.  Crews will be resurfacing Hwy 19 from the intersection of Alton Avenue in New Prague to the intersections with County Roads 3 and 80, adding turn lanes and lighting at the intersections.  The detour will be in place until early October. Access will be maintained to the area car dealerships throughout construction. Through traffic on Highway 19 will be allowed for Dozinky Days.  

8-29-17 News

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