DJJD Horseshoe hunt clue 3

CLUE #3 – Sept 1st, 2017 – Friday
When North stepped off he saw just trees, no limestone cliffs or seas
He needed rest, the long trip mess, the traveler’s road went deep
He wanted woods to farm his goods, but thorny bear hug the reeds
He bought some land, resources he had, under lock and key
CLUE #2 – August 31st, 2017 – Thursday
John loved this town, seasons abound, in fall he couldn’t skate
But frosty winters, he would read, about matters of state
When springtime came, so rich with game, side by side they’d wait
for summer grass, keep off out back and return in time or pay

CLUE #1 – August 30th, 2017 – Wednesday

The founding father gave us clues, like stay close to the path
He settled on this field of green so industry would last
He wanted schools and did he get, 2 schools alike in ways
Upon the hills, the “learn-ed” walk through town then rest a day

For complete rules and more information go to

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