School District sets 11.34{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} levy; Walking made easier in Dundas; Benefit for Lonsdale man with rare infection

This week, the Northfield School Board voted on their preliminary levy, this is not like the City or County, in that, Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said, it’s more complex due to student population.  He added, “we have always recommended to the Board that they adopt the maximum calculation that the Dept. of Education’s run for us in the September levy because that gives us the greatest flexibility between now and when we certify the final levy”.  Over the past five years, they’ve averaged a 1.4{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} increase. This year, they set the preliminary levy t at 11.34{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}.  Hillmann said there are 3 key drivers, “number one is student enrollment.  We are up in students over

the past several years and we had an interesting phenomenon this summer that this Fall there were a hundred more 6 through 12th grade students than there were when we left last year.  And while we have a net increase of 20, we had a pretty significant influx of students in grades 6 through 12″.  That’s important for levy purposes as those students in grades 7 through 11 are counted at a higher rate. The 2nd factor is the long-term facilities maintenance revenue, “that’s a program that the Legislature adopted several years ago and they’ve been phasing in the additional money for schools, some of which is a local levy”.  There was a significant increase from $292 allotment to $380 per student.  The final piece is adjustments through the State.  The results of the November 7th $109 million referendum will have an effect.  The Board could lower the levy depending on the outcome.  The final levy will be set in December. Listen to Hillmann’s complete interview on

Walking made easier in Dundas

Dundas Council authorized staff to enter into a contract for sidewalk construction. Administrator John McCarthy said it’s been a 6 year project, “that’s run into some little hurdles.  The biggest installation will be along Hester St.  That will be from Grindstone on the far west side of the City up to Railway St.”.  McCarthy explains several other areas where sidewalks will be installed in his interview on  Four of the six bids came in below the engineer’s’ estimate.  They have one contractor for all the sidewalk installations.  The City expects the work will be substantially completed by November 15th.  They’ll start work immediately.   In other Dundas news, Aldi Market will open October 5th.  MGM Liquor will be opening within a day or two of Aldi’s.  The movie theater remains on track for November.   Dundas 9-25-17 Council packet 

Benefit for Lonsdale man with rare infection

A Lonsdale man thought he had the flu in January.  But he wasn’t getting better.  His wife, Trudy, took him to Northfield hospital, he was then taken immediately to Abbott as his organs were shutting down.  He was diagnosed with Necrotizing Fasciitis, a flesh eating bacteria that can enter the body through minor cuts, abrasions or insect bites.  Brian Strese has endured much since the discovery of the rare infection.  After nearly dying, he has gone through multiple surgeries and lost his right leg above the knee.  The family faces a huge financial strain with medical bills, continuing rehabilitation and prosthetic costs for a leg upwards of $120,000.  Brian was self-employed.  A benefit will be held Saturday from 3pm to 7:30pm at The Doublewide in New Market.  

9-28-17 News


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