Council approves Fire Station plans; School referendum meeting and tours; Kyte joins Rebound

After deciding on limestone, the Northfield City Council approved exterior plans for the Fire Station.  The actual discussion took some time as three councilors preferred not spending the additional $98,000 while others argued that the building is a gateway into the downtown district.  The current building was constructed in 1971.  Among the other items in the resolution are landscaping plans, a concrete apron design for the site, space for a proposed communications tower, council would have final approval of construction documents, the right to approve signage at a future date and authorized the City Administrator to make clarifications of final construction documents to ensure

their compliance with City code.  An amendment to strike out the designation of limestone, failed 4 to 3.  The main motion was approved unanimously.  Administrator Martig added that the current windows will be replaced, they’ll add more on the east side where the sleepers and kitchen are.  Most of the remodeling will be interior work.  With council action last night, the NAFRS Facilities committee will be moving into high gear to get construction documents completed.  The plan is for construction to begin next March.  I have all related documents online at   

Fire Station plans    hand rendering


After a work session following their meeting, Dundas council, last week, discussed their Enterprise Funds, water and sewers.  City Administrator John McCarthy said citizens will see a $1 increase in water.  But it also looks like they will be reducing the cost for garbage collection.  So they feel it will balance out.  They will also try to encourage folks to use smaller garbage containers.

Referendum mtg and school tours

Northfield schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann will hold another community presentation regarding the nearly $2 million operating levy and $109 million bond referendum coming up on November 7th.  The presentation is Monday evening, October 16th at 7 o’clock in the Northfield High School Auditorium.  There will also be tours of Northfield High School on Friday, October 13th at 5:45 pm (before the varsity football game), on Monday, October 16th, at 5:45 pm before the referendum presentation, and on Saturday, October 28th at 10 am. Tours will meet in the lower cafeteria.  The referendum could add a significant amount to your monthly tax bill.  Go to for more information as well.  

Rebound welcomes Kyte

Rebound announced today that Dr. Charles Kyte is joining the team on a part-time basis as a Senior Consultant for Investor Relations and Community Affairs. He will also hold capital fund-raising and recruitment roles within the organization.  Dr. Kyte is most well known in Northfield as the former Superintendent of Schools, serving from 1989-2000. He is a partner in the firm PEER Solution Systems and works as an educational consultant, advising school districts and the businesses that serve schools. His career includes roles as a teacher, coach, secondary principal, school superintendent and Executive Director of the Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA- from 2000 to 2011). Managing Partner, Brett Reese, said, “We’re very pleased to have Charlie join the Rebound Organization.  His leadership, management, critical thinking and community experience in education and a variety of marketplaces will be of significant value to our organization as we continue to grow in our various sectors.”  I’ll have the full press release on  -Rebound Organization Welcomes Dr. Kyte

10-4-17 News

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