Dulski found safe; Mayor suggests Washington St. an alternative for parking; Levy will provide “financial stability”; Nfld man charged in assault on pregnant girlfriend

A missing Northfield man has been found safe.  54 year old Anthony Dulski went missing on Monday.  Northfield Police Chief Monte Nelson said Dulski’s phone had been shut off and the family was concerned for his safety.  The BCA sent out an update at 8:40 this morning that Dulski had been found safe.  No other details were given from law enforcement.  Nelson thanked the community and all who helped locate Mr. Dulski.  

Mayor suggests Washington St. an alternative for parking

The Improvement Hearing for the 2018 Reconstruction of Division Street in downtown Northfield between 6th and 7th streets along with 7th St from Washington to Water takes place next week.  Public Works Director Dave Bennett said through neighborhood and community meetings, the overwhelming theme, from those in attendance, was slowing vehicles down and pedestrian safety.  Parking has also been a concern to businesses and some citizens. Mayor Pownell said, “As I drive down Washington St., the primarily Washington St. is parked pretty consistently between 2nd and 5th Street.  Between 5th and 8th street there’s hardly anybody parking on Washington St.   So we can clearly be utilizing that street for additional parking”.  She added that the south end of Division is quite different as there are parking lots, “so that’s an added bonus to those businesses down there that no one else really, along Division St., has access to”.  Pownell said adjustments have been made to accommodate truck deliveries. They’ll install “mountable curbs”.  Washington Street will be a mill and overlay.  Bennett said Council chose the “middle” design with bumpouts.  He added that it will “maintain” parking, however, there will be loss of parking spaces.  The designs are on the City’s website.   The improvement hearing is set for November 14th in Council Chambers.  If you have concerns, that’s your time to speak up and tell the decision makers.  

Levy will provide “financial stability”

The School referendum didn’t pass but Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said he’s pleased with the results of the operating levy, “It’s going to provide that financial stability that we need because, as you know we don’t always know how the legislature’s going to shake out, so this will allow us some stability to weather any of those legislative issues over the next several years”.  It increases the per student funds by $471 per student to $1,967, which will increase each year by the rate of inflation for 10 years beginning with our 2018 property taxes.  Breaking down the numbers on the vote, the townships were overwhelming against the both the levy and the bond.  Check here for numbers   11-7-17 School District votes  or  you can also find them on the Secretary of State’s website.    

Nfld man charged in assault of pregnant girlfriend

A Northfield man is charged with multiple felonies in connection with an alleged attack on his girlfriend.  According to the criminal complaint, the victim told Faribault police officers that 33 year old Marc Lewis Anthony hit her and choked her till she couldn’t breathe.  The victim is 32 weeks pregnant.  She told officers that she wanted Anthony to leave her home, that’s when he became angry and threatened to kill her.  In his statement he blamed her.  Anthony’s charged with 5 felonies including 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon and attempt to terrorize. His court appearance is November 20th.  Anthony has a lengthy criminal history.  Anthony complaint

11-9-17 News

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