Speed, alcohol and a repeat offender – Nfld man charged; Thefts from vehicles prompt Police warning; NAFRS JPA cost allocation change; 2018 street projects, Municipal ID’s on Nfld agenda; Downtown prepares for holidays

A Northfield man is charged with 2 counts of criminal vehicular operation, DWI, 2 counts of reckless driving and open bottle.   According to the criminal complaint, Northfield police were called very early Saturday morning to Viking Terrace on report of a vehicle crashing into 3 parked cars.  The vehicle in question is registered to 22 year old Nick Craig Lino who lives in Viking Terrace.  There were 2 passengers in the car, each suffering non life threatening injuries.  One reported that Lino was drunk and had 10 to 15 shots of alcohol and was driving 140 to 160 mph south of Dresden when he blew through the stop sign at Fremouw and crashed into the cars. Lino refused a breath test at the scene but officers obtained a search warrant and a blood test was performed at Northfield

Hospital.  An open bottle of tequila was found under the drivers seat.   Lino was convicted in May of DWI.  On November 15th he pleaded guilty to 4th degree assault of a peace officer, he’ll be sentenced in December for that charge.  He has a lengthy criminal history involving alcohol and violence.  Lino’s initial court appearance on these charges is December 4th.  Lino remains in the Rice County jail.  Lino 2854

Thefts from vehicles prompt Police warning

A rash of thefts from autos has Northfield police, once again, reminding the public to lock up.  Deputy Chief Mark Dukatz said it’s been mainly on the west side of town but there’s been no real pattern but what they ARE seeing more often is thieves breaking windows to get in.  It’s usually because something of value, such as a purse or electronics, were visible.  Dukatz says, “if there’s nothing seen, there’s less temptation”.  If you have an attached garage, Dukatz says, remember to lock the service door.  All a thief need do is break into your car, hit the door opener and they’re in your house too.  Chief Nelson said they served a search warrant in the 200 block of Greenvale Avenue and recovered item(s) related to one of the thefts last week.  The investigation continues and a suspect will likely be charged at a later date.  However, the bottom line is Lock it up!  And don’t leave your valuables visible.  It’s particularly important as folks start their holiday shopping.  NPD Press Release – TMVs – 111717

NAFRS JPA cost allocation change

The Northfield Area Fire and Rescue Service joint powers board are discussing a change in cost allocation for the 3 entities, Northfield, Dundas and Rural (which includes the 7 townships).   NAFRS Board Chair Glen Castore explained that they calculate the percentage of what each entity pays by population and property value, including structures and land.  He said they’re changing from including land with property value to just the buildings.  That change would drop Rural’s percentage by 3.36{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} from 22.88{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} to 19.52{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}, this will increase Northfield’s allocation by 3.38{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} to 74.95{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} with Dundas having a negligible change.  The Board will vote on it in December, then take it to their councils.  The change makes the JPA financially viable for the collective Townships.  nafrs.org

2018 street projects, Municipal ID’s on Nfld agenda

The Northfield Council meets tonight.  On their agenda is a resolution to approve the 2018 street projects.  Since the last meeting where the design would remove 30 parking spots, Staff has brought forward two other options, one adds back 9 spaces, the other 11.  Those options also take out the raised intersection.  There will be a discussion regarding the HRC’s proposed Municipal ID and a review of the 2018 Budget and Levy in preparation for the December 5th public hearing.  Council meetings begin at 6pm in Council Chambers.  Municipal ID- Draft Ordinance

Downtown prepares for holidays

It’s beginning to look a lot like Winter Walk is coming.  City of Northfield Public Works employees were hanging the snowflakes today from the streetlights along Division Street and the Garden Club has created fabulous displays all over downtown.  Small business Saturday is this weekend and Winter Walk is December 7th.  Great times to shop locally.  

11-21-17 News

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