CVRO: The Nutcracker and Guild Gallery: Foot in the Door

Today in the ArtZany! Radio studio Paula Granquist highlights two upcoming Arts Guild events: Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra: The Nutcracker with condutor Paul Niemisto and choreographer Shari Setchell and then A Foot in the Door gallery event with visual arts manager Heather Lawrenz.

 Art Zany! Radio for the Imagination 12-8-17

Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra: The Nutcracker
In collaboration with the Cannon Arts Board, the Cannon Falls School of Dance, and the Guild’s Dance Theater Company, this family-friendly, one-hour concert of The Nutcracker highlights the best of Tchaikovsky’s iconic Christmas classic, complete with dancing from local youth from the Cannon Falls School of Dance and from the Northfield Arts Guild.

Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 3:00 pm
Northfield Middle School
2200 Division Street S, Northfield

Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 3:00 pm
Cannon Falls High School Auditorium
820 Minnesota Street E, Cannon Falls

$10.00 adults
$6:00 students/seniors
Lap seats free (for ages 3 and under)



Foot In The Door Community Exhibition: January 10-February 17, 2018
The intent of this show is to encourage emerging and established artists of all ages in Northfield and surrounding communities to exhibit their artwork in a professional style show. This show is open to any age and any level of experience.


  • All entries must be no larger than 12”x12” (x12”) or less.
  • Only one entry per person.
  • All entries must be ready to hang and/or install (all framed pieces must be wired -NO zig zag pins).
  • All entries must be dropped off on January 6, 2018 between 10 am – 12 pm.
  • $5 exhibition fee due at drop-off*
    *Exhibition fee waived for participants in grades K-12.
  • EASY ENTRY PROCESS! All information will be available at drop-off.
    ***Just bring in your artwork on Saturday, January 6 between 10 am and noon.***



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