The Northfield Council held their public hearing Tuesday regarding bonding for the rehabilitation and expansion of the Fire Hall. The resolution to use Capital Improvement bonds, in the amount of $4.2 million, passed unanimously. There is a 30 day period where, if there were enough petitioners, the community could force a reverse referendum, meaning bring the issue to the voters. Administrator Martig said during this time staff will go over plans and specs for approval from Council. The project will then go out for bid. The lease with the NAFRS entities including Dundas and Rural will be updated. Financial Consultant, Nick Anhut of Ehlers and Associates, estimates the annual lease payment at just over $226,000. Initially, the
bonding period was for 15 years, however, the Rural district said they could better afford the payment over a 20 year period. Including 2018 street projects, Anhut added the impact is about a 16{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} increase in debt levy starting in 2019, which would carry forward. There will be decreases over time as other debt is paid off. The overall increase to the general levy is 3.1{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}. Administrator Martig commented on the building. The mechanical systems are the same as when it was built in 1971, and the components of the building are beginning to fail. It also sits in a floodplain. There will be additional floodproofing and fill. He said, “from an operational standpoint it is an ideal location but we are looking at substantial improvements in the mechanical systems and other building components”. There will also be an addition and substantial work on the sleeping quarters and landscaping. More information and plans are on the City’s website. Bids for construction will go out in April.
UPDATED at 2:59pm : The NAFRS Joint Powers Board held an organizational meeting this morning. They moved Vice Chair, Anne Haddad into the Chair position and Glen Castore moved to the Vice chair position. Lee Runzheimer was just appointed to the NAFRS board in place of Dave Drenth, it is a 3 year term. Bron Scherer was reappointed as was Paul Liebenstein. They’ll hold their regular meeting January 18th at 8am at the Northfield Police Station.
54 community members volunteer
Northfield Councilor Greg Colby was formally sworn in this week to fill out the At-Large position vacated by Rhonda Pownell when she became Mayor. That seat, along with Wards 3 and 4 will be up for election at the end of this year. Councilor Suzie Nakasian was voted in as Mayor Pro Tem for this year. There were a number of citizens named to boards and commissions. Pownell said 54 community members have been appointed this time around. Here’s the complete list. Nfld boards and commissions 2018 (1) and 1 – Applications for appointees
South end of Division “Prime for redevelopment”
With the opening of Imminent Brewing and the soon-to-be open Armory Square, the south end of Division street is on it’s way to thriving. Northfield Chamber President Todd Bornhauser commented, “the south end of town is prime for some more redevelopment and reuse. We’ll see some real opportunities out there in the next few years”. There are other changes including the addition of an express clinic. Stay tuned for more.