ArtZany: God Girl performed at the Arts Guild

Today in the ArtZany! Radio studio Paula Granquist welcomes from the next Arts Guild theater production God Girl: playwright Kristine Holmgren, stage manager and assistant director Dave Flynn, and actors Jacqueline Radtke, and Kevin Chapman. This powerful play explores the hard work, humor, and heartbreak experienced by the first brave women who dared smash the stained glass ceiling of Protestantism. God Girl premiered at the History Theater in 2014 and was voted Voted BEST NEW PLAY of 2015 by Lavender Magazine.

Art Zany! Radio for the Imagination 1-12-18

Friday, January 19, 2018 at 7:30pm (Opening Night Reception)
Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 7:30pm
Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 2:00pm (Post-show Discussion)
Friday, January 26 , 2018 at 7:30pm
Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 7:30pm
Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 2:00pm *

Venue:  Northfield Arts Guild Theater411 Third Street West, Northfield.

Tickets: $17.00 adults, $12.00 seniors/students
*Jan 28 ASL interpreted performance if requested to The Guild office by January 12, 2018.

Setting from the playwright, just to get you in mood:

The time is early November, 1976.  The Vietnam War has ended. Nixon resigned two years prior and Jimmy Carter has yet to be elected 39th President. The film ROCKY is released in the theaters.  Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak establish a company they call Apple. Gasoline is 52 cents per gallon – the average rent in Minneapolis is $220 per month and the average annual salary is $16,600. Son of Sam begins his wave of terror in New York City; the United States Mint issues the first $2 bill.  Cisco is king; Reese Witherspoon and Colin Farrell are born.

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