Nfld woman checks on friend and saves her life; Faribault woman faces 5 years; Nfld District financial outlook is good; Tax Town Hall scheduled; ACC Living Treasure Judy Code honored tonight; Caucus time change

The Rice County Sheriff’s department held their annual meeting last week.  Sheriff Dunn said they discuss activities past, present and future.  They then held an Awards ceremony, including commendations.  Northfielder, Jane Rinehart, received a Life-Saving Award for checking on a friend who she hadn’t heard from.  Sheriff Dunn explains that the woman had fallen and broken her leg.  She managed to crawl to the cellar where she drank humidifier water for about 40 hours.  Jane found her, called 911 and got her help.  Had she not gone to check on the woman, Dunn said

she might not have survived.  He said it was “quite emotional”.  He gave out awards to deputies and also, “a 10 and a 12 year old girl that did CPR and called 911 on their parents when they suffered an overdose”.  The 12 year old had just learned CPR at Faribault Middle School.   

Faribault woman faces 5 years

A Faribault woman pled guilty Friday to felony 5th degree drugs.  Agents of the Cannon River Drug Task Force executed a no-knock search warrant in September at 114 4th Ave NW.  Agents found nearly 10 grams of cocaine, 2 digital scales, $140 cash and a couple of controlled substance pills.  38 year old Jamie Lyn Kimball will be sentenced March 14th, the charge carries up to 5 years.  A charge of 3rd degree narcotic drug sales was dismissed.   Kimball

Nfld District financial outlook is good

The Northfield School Board heard lots of good news last week including the financial forecast for the District.  Superintendent Dr. Matt Hillmann said, due to the generosity of the community voting for the Operating Levy, they are able to sustain their current programming.  As long as the State gives reasonable increases, they will be able to maintain the programs through 2023.  Hillmann noted that Northfield Schools DECA program isn’t really that old but they’ve got plenty to be proud of.  They’re sending 26 students to the State DECA tournament.  Hillmann congratulated Advisor Julie Wolner and those “26 students too numerous to mention here”.  DECA is a business education program.  They work on business plans, marketing and more.  

Tax Town Hall scheduled

Senator Rich Draheim will be joined by Chairman of the Senate Tax Committee, Senator Roger Chamberlain, Wednesday evening for a Tax Town Hall in New Prague.  The event is from 6:30 to 8 o’clock at New Prague City Hall.  This is a listening session on state taxes, the tax cuts enacted by the state legislature in 2017 and the effect of federal tax reform legislation on Minnesotans.

ACC Living Treasure Judy Code honored tonight

The Northfield Arts and Culture Commission selected Judy Code as their 2018 Living Treasure Award recipient. Judy has worked with individuals and City officials to help them understand that decorative and environmental art and design is part of our visual culture.” Judy is a Master Gardener.  You’ll find her every day, every where, planting, pruning, weeding and more, for hours from Spring to Fall.  She is a retired Early Childhood Special Education teacher who served the Northfield School District for twenty-five years.  Due to January’s snowstorm, her ceremony was moved to tonight!  Celebrate Judy Code as she receives the Living Treasure Award tonight at The Grand Event Center at 7 o’clock.  

Note time change for Republican caucus

There was a time change for the Rice County Republican caucus.  Doors open at 6pm with Call to Order at 7pm, that’s at all three locations.  Check their website  Caucuses will be held tomorrow evening.  We also have this information and DFL caucus information on  

2-5-18 News

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