Dundas Mayor pleased with progress but concerned about high-end race track; Acts of Kindness made easy!; Stanton Civil Air Patrol presented with Official Unit Charter; Nominations being accepted for NHS Distinguished Alumnus 

Dundas has had a lot going on for the last several years.  Mayor Glenn Switzer commented, “with the theater coming in, the traffic and all of that’s doing well.  And so we’ll start to see more things pop up on that, the downtown’s really exciting with the bakery” and more.  Something else he’s looking forward to using is the regional trail, “that is really going to be exciting to see this Spring when that opens up”.  The 7 mile loop runs between Northfield and Dundas.  Switzer said he’s looking forward to coming into Northfield and vice versa.  Switzer said he has some concerns about the proposed high-end car track on the other side of CR 1. He said, “so we had a developer show up and say that they were going to put

up 300 houses in a gated community out in the County and race cars and, we’re like, wait a minute!   And we haven’t heard anything so I think there’s something happening out there”.  While it would not be located in Dundas, Switzer said, “that’s a city!  That’s a city out in the middle of the county and then we start talking about all those other little things that affect it from policing it, from providing fire and service from the other essential services that need to happen out there and so I just want to make sure that everybody’s involved and understanding how it can affect and change Rice County”.    He’s concerned that the rural feel is maintained and that everything’s out in the open.  

Acts of Kindness made easy!

Random Acts of Kindness week started yesterday!  Northfield Shares Executive Director, Mike Krance explains that it’s a worldwide celebration of kindness spearheaded by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, who work to provide resources and tools to people so they can perform random acts of kindess.  Northfield Shares is sharing those with you.  Go to northfieldshares.org.    There’s a week long outline with themes, quotes and daily kindness ideas.  There’s a list of 50 ideas.  Walk by KYMN studios this week and you’ll see a tip for each day of the week.  They also have the MOO game.  Put up Moo Signs and let people know you’re paying it forward!  These don’t have to take money or much time either.  Today’s theme is “Be kind to a stranger”.  The quote is “A kind and compassionate act is often it’s own reward”.  Mary Lynn Ogelsbie said it’s really an awareness of one another.   

Stanton Civil Air Patrol presented with Official Unit Charter

“Stanton Flight cadets pose with the anniversary cake. L-R: C/Amn Adeline Wager, Cadet Rylan Rimpila, C/SrA Will Churchill, C/SSgt Laura Rezac, C/SSgt William Wagner, C/Amn Martin Karadza, C/Amn Christopher Frago, C/SSgt Brady Rezac, C/SSgt Abigail Rezac.”

The new Stanton Flight of Civil Air Patrol held a one-year anniversary open house on January 30th.  Capt. Randall Knox reports the event was very well attended, exceeding their expectations, with an estimated 80 guests.  Colonel James Garlough, Minnesota Civil Air Patrol Wing Commander presented the official unit charter to Flight Commander Second Lieutenant Jeffrey Rezac, making the Stanton Flight the 23rd Civil Air Patrol component in Minnesota. Guests were able to view exhibits showcasing the Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs and Emergency Services missions. Cadets and senior members answered questions about summer encampment, honor guard, flight training, rocketry and more.  The full press release and pictures

Nominations being accepted for NHS Distinguished Alumnus 

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 Northfield High School Distinguished Alumnus Award.  Your nominee must have graduated at least 10 years ago and have a distinguished career in service, vocation, or avocation to their community, society or humanity.  Nominations will be accepted through February 23rd.  Forms are available in the high school office or by calling 663-0630.  

2-12-18 News

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