Draheim urges more $ for mental health; Council approves formation of Climate Advisory Board; Fossum pleased with 3rd Judicial appt.; CPR training

Legislators are back in session.  District 20 Senator Rich Draheim said last week, in regard to the atmosphere of the legislature, that the House is more partisan, simply due to the make-up.  The Senate has 1 seat majority, “so they have to work together”.  Commenting on the appointment of Sen. Fischbach to the Lt. Gov position and the question as to her voting privilege in the Senate, he said,  they would be at a 33 tie if she’s unable to vote.  He added that that might make it difficult to get anything done on either side, “which would be unfortunate because we have a

lot of good stuff we’ve been working on”.  This is a bonding year.  Goals would include infrastructure, “we all know we need to spend more and do a better job on our roads and bridges and then what’s underground, sewer and water.  And then mental health.  A few decades ago we used to have a lot of state options for mental health and we kind of closed all of them and tried to put it onto the private sector and I don’t think that worked well”.   He mentioned that he met with officials from Northfield Hospital and clinics who are taking steps to work on it.  With recent events he’d really like to see some bonding dollars for behavioral/mental health issues in schools.   Draheim will be on the morning show weekly beginning this week on Thursdays at 8:45.  District 20b Representative David Bly will be on Wednesday mornings at 8:45 beginning tomorrow.  

Council approves formation of Climate Advisory Board

Northfield Council approved the establishment of a Climate Action Plan Advisory Board last week. This will be a 9 member board with 1 staff member and 1 administrative assistant.  Utilities manager, Justin Wagner said staff has put $15,000 in the storm water fund for the climate action plan for this year.  The Board will have 2 years to come up with a plan to present to the Council, updating the EQC every quarter.  Council meets tonight.  They’ll hear the 2nd reading for the addition of 4 buildings into the Heritage Preservation District on the Consent Agenda, as is a Charter resolution clearing up language as to how names are submitted to a Judge for approval to the Commission.  Only a judge appoints members to the Charter.  Council will have a presentation and discussion of their Strategic Plan.  They’ll then hold a closed session to discuss security systems, emergency response procedures and security deficiencies regarding public services, infrastructure and facilities from Police Chief Monte Nelson.  Mayor Pownell and Administrator Martig will be in studio tomorrow morning with a recap.

Fossum pleased with 3rd Judicial appt

Governor Mark Dayton appointed Jeffrey Johnson to take Judge Neuville’s position on the bench for the 3rd Judicial District.  Rice County attorney John Fossum commented, “THAT Jeff Johnson and I have been friends for 20 years.  He’s a good friend and I think he’ll do well on the bench and I look forward to working with him”.  Johnson grew up in Faribault.  

CPR training

Community Services is offering Red Cross CPR/First Aid training to the public and healthcare providers.  There are numerous opportunities for adult, child, infant CPR being offered at the middle school beginning March 17th.  Go to northfield public schools, community services. Click HERE

2-20-18 News

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