Solar power is lighting up the landscape with panels popping up all over Rice County. Just recently County Commissioners approved two separate “Conditional Use Permits” for two 1MW solar gardens each on 8 acres of land in Webster Township. David Watts is the developer representing USS Webster Solar LLC on behalf of landowners Mark & Jacqueline Pavek and Curtis & Marissa Olson. Discussing the Pavek land, Commissioner Malecha voted no saying, “I’m a firm believer in solar, alternative energy, but I think that the solar companies need to find better places to put them so it’s not sitting right up on
top of neighbors. I get it, but at the same time we all need to be stewards to our neighbors”. While other commissioners sympathized with the neighbor, it IS an allowable use. Dokken added, “I think that we probably should be looking at doing some standards and I don’t know how you put a standard on solar gardens that would not have some kind of a bearing on somebody’s property somewhere in some way, shape or form”. He expressed frustration over what he called the secretive nature of neighbors not knowing that nearby properties are being looked at until the solar company applies for a permit. He said, “And I think that that becomes the frustration of neighbors that if you want a permit in an area why not go visit the neighbor?”. He compared it to a farmer putting up a hog barn and not talking to neighbors. David Watts said, “despite there not being any requirement to meet with the township or to reach out to any neighbors, we sent a flyer with all our contact information and asked for people to come talk contact us when we submitted our application”. Malecha suggested a possible moratorium to take a step back and talk about standards. The Planning Commission approved both CUP’s with 12 conditions. For the Olson property, Malecha again voted no, while Commissioner Gillen abstained from voting citing a “conflict of interest”. Still, it passed. Malecha reiterated, “I think we have a lot of work that we need to do on tweaking our ordinances on solar, I’ll leave it at that”. The City of Dundas has a moratorium on solar gardens for the next year while they try to sort out standards. Solar gardens very often have multiple interests involved. I have links and more information on kymn.net. CUP for Solar with 12 conditions with Pavek Solar Gardens in Webster Township on behalf of Pavek Solar – Olson
City tree sale offers diversity
The City of Northfield is accepting orders for trees starting today. The annual Arbor Day tree sale and runs through April 20th. Streets and Parks Supervisor TJ Heinricy said all the trees are ¾ to 1 inch in diameter. There are a variety of trees offered to encourage diversity. He said there’s another “bug” arriving from the east that isn’t partial to any species, it loves anything including Maple… (another great reason for planting a diversity of trees). The Dakota County portion of Northfield in in quarantine due to Emerald Ash Borer. Heinricy chose a variety of tall and shorter deciduous trees for boulevards. Here’s the list along with detailed information. 2018 Tree Descriptions This year, residents can purchase up to 6 trees to place anywhere in their yard. Place your order at the City’s Maintenance Facility between 8am and 4pm Monday through Friday. Payment in full is expected at the time of the order. Volunteer organizations will plant them free of charge on May 12th.
Council will vote PAC recommendation of consultant for land use
The Northfield Council meets tonight. Meetings begin at 6pm in Council Chambers at City Hall. They’re open to the public and are also streamed online on the City’s website at ci.northfield.mn.us. Mayor Pownell and Administrator Martig will be in studio at 7:20 tomorrow morning with a recap. CC 4-3-18 agenda