The Northfield Council praised Administrator Ben Martig’s performance so much so that they gave him a 5{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} raise, translating to a $7,000 increase to $146,140.80. Citing an “extremely strong performance”, Councilor Peterson White made a motion to give him a 2 step increase, saying she didn’t want to lose him. The vote was 5 to 1, with Colby preferring a 1 step increase at 2.5{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9}. Mayor Pownell said, “Council really decided based on the review because Mr. Martig has met and exceeded expectations and we are really grateful for his service in our community that it warranted
a 2 step increase”. The Council approved an on-sale liquor license for Armory Square and recognized the
Mayors Youth Council 2018 graduating seniors

graduating seniors of the Youth Council as well as the winners of the CRWP stormwater poster contest. The longest discussion was, once again, the street assessments. Each year this subject comes up regarding the fairness of how special assessments are made but Councils have yet to hold an in depth discussion on how policy might be changed. An issue that caused some robust discussion was Pownell’s request for a change in assessments for the 3 religious institutions. I’ll have more on this tomorrow.

Dundas roads will get ripped up
You won’t hardly be able to throw a shovel without hitting road construction in Dundas. Along with the major work of CSAH 1 between Hwys 246 and 3 (which will last into Fall), Administrator John McCarthy said Council awarded contracts for 2 projects this week, Stafford and Cannon Rds. Stafford Rd, along Hwy 3 from Frandsen Bank to America’s Mattress, will be a mill and overlay, they expect to have flaggers on scene for one lane of traffic to remain open for businesses. They hope to start in June. Since the Dundas Dome is closed for the summer, Cannon Road, will close for the duration of the street reconstruction. Both jobs were awarded to Swenke Ims Contracting for a total of $583,000. In other Dundas news, Council approved a wine and beer license for Martha’s Eats and Treats, it now goes to the State. If all goes well, they’ll be able to sell wine and beer by July 1st.
Northfield Works awarded 3 grants for job training
Northfield’s Community Action Center announced that Northfield Works, their community job partnership program received a total of three grants from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). They received the full funding level request of $174,000. This is part of Minnesota DEED’s Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Grant Program. The funding will allow Northfield Works, a program aimed at ending poverty by providing job training and placement for low-income, underemployed and unemployed people, a chance to gain access to training and educational opportunities that may otherwise be too expensive. This funding will also allow Northfield Works to triple its current P2P grant capacity to serve clients from 15 to 55. The full press release: COMMUNITY ACTION CENTER’S NORTHFIELD WORKS PROGRAM RECEIVES
KYMN has pictures of Career Day at the Northfield Middle School from student reporter Lauren Beaham. [envira-gallery id=”69335″]