Xcel easement approval may be rescinded; City ID set for June 4th; Local election filings begin tomorrow; NAFRS live burn training photos

At Northfield Council’s April 17th meeting they approved giving Xcel Energy easement to place a feeder line in the area of All Flex.  Several public recreational amenities exist in the easement area, including the East Cannon River Trail and portions of Sechler Park. At that time, Councilor DeLong had questions regarding overhead power lines in a recreational area, which, by the language of a grant given for the E. Cannon River Trail, any future power lines were

to be placed underground. Public Works director Dave Bennett said he was unaware of that provision.   A representative from Xcel said at that meeting that they had no plans to place the lines underground at they’d have to go under the river. While Xcel files for right-of-way permits, the DNR is further reviewing the easement and, due to those grant restrictions, the Council’s approval may have to be rescinded.  

City ID set for June 4th

The Northfield City ID is set to be available June 4th.  Administrator Ben Martig said staff has been working through final layout for applicant information on the ID card, specifics for camera orientation and formatting of the photo and the duties of staff personnel.  A useable database was created by IT staffers for implementation. City ID advocates have been enrolling a number of businesses in a coupon program for incentives with a booklet available at the time of enrollment.  Staff has also been working on a PR campaign.

Local election filings begin tomorrow

Filing begins tomorrow for 3 elections.  In Northfield there are 3 council seats opening up. Councilor At-Large and Wards 1 and 4.  They are four-year terms. The seats are currently filled by Greg Colby, Suzie Nakasian and Jessica Peterson White.  Filing is 8am to 5pm weekdays through June 5th. For more information, contact City Clerk, Deb Little at 507-645-3001 or e-mail at deb.little@ci.northfield.mn.us.  In Dundas, the Mayor’s position along with 2 council member seats will open.  Those seats are currently held by Glenn Switzer, Grant Modory and Larry Fowler.  For information on filing contact the City of Dundas. Endorsement conventions for State candidates will take place June 1st through the 3rd.  House Districts 20B and 24B are up for election.

NAFRS live burn training photos

NAFRS held a live burn training on Saturday.  Departments from Randolph, Hampton, Faribault and other communities gathered in the Waterford Township area where an old house was set on fire.  There were 2 levels of burns for the students to study and perform duties. Instructors then debriefed them. Training including studying fire behavior, working with portable extinguishers and personal protective equipment and using techniques. Many photos are on the MN Fire Apparatus page on Facebook.  I have a link from kymn.net.   [envira-gallery id=”69458″]

Click it or Ticket

Southeast Minnesota law enforcement and Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety joined forces to launch a statewide seat belt enforcement beginning today through June 3rd.  The Click it or Ticket campaign is funded by Toward Zero Deaths.

5-21-18 News

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