Nfld Council supports TIF for affordable housing; NHS starts Flex Time; Fire facility construction update

The Northfield City Council approved support of Tax Increment Financing for Spring Creek II.  Northfield’s HRA partnered with Three Rivers Community Action, TRCA, for the original townhome complex that provides housing for low income families.  Executive Director, Leah Hall, said it’s been a very successful project and they’d like to expand it.  Rent would be held at 50{b5761be34e80a16b6d0e4dabc1869c131a263f96a745c82bebdd3b8a4330bfa9} of area median income which translates to a family income of $15 to $20 an hour.  TRCA is competing for Low Income Tax

Credits given out by the State, it’s a very competitive process and the Council’s support of TIF District dollars is very important in securing those credits. The HRA has also donated the land worth about $180,000 and has offered an additional $20,000 in cash.  If everything falls into place, construction would begin in the summer of 2019.  

NHS starts Flex Time

More and more, data is showing that students across the country are over stressed and over programmed.  Northfield High School Principal Joel Leer said for some time the District has struggled with ways to help students reduce stress while also getting them college ready.  They introduced Flex Time, an hour in the middle of the day, in which students could use to get their homework done as their evenings are filled with activities or work.  For others it could mean a time to rest and still others a chance for academic or active pursuits.  the idea is to let them decide the best, most useful way, for them to spend the time.  For 41 years, the routine has been 50 minute classes with 5 minute passing and a 25 minute lunch. Now the hour will be broken up with 2 – 20 minute periods and 2 – 10 min passing times.  Lunch is built into that time. Teachers will take lunch during half the time and offer a variety of programming for the other half.  For this Fall, the first full year for Flex Time, Leer said they will work through the summer designing a schedule and settle into a routine where kids will know what to expect, although there will be variations.  Another plus, students who aren’t able to stay after school for additional help from teachers, will now have access to them during their school day.    

Fire facility construction update

Construction has started on the upgrade of the Northfield fire station.  The project will be completed in the spring of 2019. The most obvious changes will be an addition on the south side of the building and a new entrance from Highway 3.  Inside, the HVAC system will be replaced. An elevator will be installed and overall the building will become ADA compliant. Four single room apartments in the upper level will be upgraded and remodeled.  The facility was built in 1970-71 as a combined police and fire safety center for $465,000 and had 3 trucks, serving about 13,000 people in Northfield, Dundas and surrounding townships. Today, the $4.2 million expansion to the facility, is leased from the City of Northfield by NAFRS (the Joint Powers entity serving Nfld, Dundas and 7 local Townships) and serves a population of 26,000, maintaining 8 trucks.  Fire Station Article

6-7-18 News


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