In 2014, the Northfield Fire Department formed a Joint Powers Agreement with the Cities of Northfield and Dundas and the 7 townships that made up Rural Fire District, naming it Northfield Area Fire and Rescue Service or NAFRS. They have been considering forming a taxing district for some time. Vice Chair Glen Castore commented that the way the law is set up currently, they would have to get special legislation to do so. He said, “that is a real nuisance. So what the legislature is doing here is, the MN Fire Chiefs Assoc. is proposing a bill, this will be the 3rd time around so we should it should pass, that sets the
standards for establishing a taxing district just like the school district”. He said it would then become very easy for them to then set it up. On your tax bill it would become a line item such as the School District is.
It’s an “optical illusion”
While the City of Northfield was working on Division St between 6th and 8th, most folks were feeling like the road was narrowed, in fact, some even thinking it was single lane. Will Schroeer and Tracy Davis-Heisler were in studio last week. She said she talked with the City’s Engineering department. They explained to her that, “there is this, what I call, an optical illusion, which I think is very helpful but because the surface of the road is black in the center and what they call the valley gutters and the parking area is concrete it looks narrower than it actually is”. Curb to curb, the width is the same. However, because of the bump outs, the City HAS rerouted truck traffic. The design slows things down, which was the point. Washington St. is going to also sport those bump outs at most of the intersections after the mill and overlay work is completed in November. Schroeer added that the City has hired a consultant, “to do a variety of park trail, bike path and sidewalk planning and they’re going to look at the street standards as part of that work”. If you have opinions on those items, tell your elected official, the Mayor and/or call City Hall. While Schroeer and Davis-Heisler are on the Planning commission and the NDDC, they made it clear that they were not representing either group. Their full interview is on
Quarterback Club is Golden
It’s the year of Golden Anniversaries… KYMN, the Community Action Center and the Quarterback Club all celebrating 50 years in business. The Northfield Downtown Development Corporation headed down to the QB to congratulate owner, Dale Finger. NDDC Executive Director Jenni Roney said, “There aren’t many downtowns that can tell success stories like this,” The Quarterback Club
was originally part of a 20-store franchise organization founded by a group of Minnesota investors, including some of the Minnesota Vikings. The Northfield
location was opened in the spring of 1968. Dale started working there as a high school student in 1978 and eventually bought the restaurant in the early 80s. He’s had a successful 40-year run and expects to continue in spite of fastfood franchises. Dale said his secret to success is “Good food, good service.” And then there’s the dedicated service of his employees. Steve and Lorie Estrem have worked at the restaurant for more than 45 years. They started at the Quarterback Club before Dale and they stayed with him after he became their employer. KYMN’s Jeff Johnson’s Thursday morning routine for nearly 30 years has been Biscuits and Gravy at the QB.
Nfld Cemetery looking for volunteers
The Northfield Cemetery suffered some substantial damage in the storms last week. They’re looking for help this Saturday from 9am till it’s done. The cemetery is NOT owned by the City and is not supported by any church or other non-profit. Maintenance of this community cemetery is managed by the Northfield-Prairie Cemertery Association. They need volunteers to remove debris, pickup trucks and trailers are needed and donations are welcome. they can be dropped off at the Northfield Historical Society or mailed to the Nfld Cemetery Assoc. c/o Mike Groth at 10763 James Trail, Northfield, MN 55057. Contact Dan Johnson at 612-807-5654 with any questions. email: Rain date is Oct. 7th at noon.