Phase 1
Simione Court, Nelson Court, Kimble Court, Hackerson Court, Grundhoefer Court, Eklund Court, Covey Court, Lockwood Drive, Gill Lane, Zanmiller Drive, and Bluestem Court
Paving crews were able to complete the base course paving on all of Phase 1 this week. Crews were also on-site late in the week raising manholes and gate valves on Phase 1. Due to the cold temperatures forecasted, it has been decided not to install the wear course paving on Phase 1 this fall. Crews will place the wear course paving next Spring, once weather allows.
Next week, sodding crews are scheduled to be on-site to place all of the sod on Phase 1. Crews are also expected to complete raising and patching the remaining manholes and gate valves.
Thanks, and have a great weekend!