Free childcare for children of healthcare/1st responders at Bridgewater; Gathering places closing, cancellations and a new “normal”; Red Cross faces severe blood shortage

By Teri Knight, News Director

Northfield Superintendent Matt Hillmann updated the community last night on KYMN. The next two weeks school districts are preparing for a longer closure if necessary. Hillmann said, “we are standing ready to implement the Governor’s order that we provide childcare for children Kindergarten through age 12 for those of families of healthcare and other emergency providers. And that childcare is free for those people. It’s going to take place actually at Bridgewater beginning on Thursday” (March 19). That service will be open from 6:30am to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Parents or guardians will have to transport the children.They’re not required to provide it during Spring Break next week, but they are looking into it. They’ll start food distribution to students in need tomorrow from 11:30am to 12:30pm. It will be a drive-thru, bike up or walk up service at Greenvale Park, at Sibley and at Northfield High School. You can go to any of those locations regardless of what school you go to. As for access to the internet, Hillmann suggested that families sign up for the Charter/Spectrum that is free for 60 days. If you live in a rural area, they have plans for that as well. Go to to sign up for childcare so they have an idea of how many children to plan for and you’ll also find additional information on the District’s COVID-19 plans. Hillmann’s full interview is posted on HERE

Gathering places closing, cancellations and a new “normal”

Bars and restaurants, bowling alleys and museums, cinemas and every place where people gather in groups close at 5pm today by order of Gov. Walz to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The lobby of the Northfield police department is closed today through March 27th. The entrance vestibule with telephone access to dispatch will remain open. 911 is also available. There is complete information on what services are available from the police and what’s not on In addition, City officials have closed the Northfield Ice Arena through the end of April, the Northfield Public Library is closed tomorrow through March 29th. The Northfield Hospital Auxiliary Book Fair is cancelled for this year. All advisory boards, commissions, special committees are canceled through the end of April. City Hall meeting rooms are restricted to City and County purposes. Tonight’s Council meeting is open to the public but will maintain 6-foot social distancing and occupancy restrictions. There are ten audience chairs. The Northfield Chamber of Commerce has postponed the April 4th Home & Garden Show. Chamber President Lisa Peterson said they have decided to host a VIRTUAL HOME & GARDEN SHOW until they are able find an alternate date. Each vendor you were hoping to see will be featured on their website with their logo/photo, description of their business and link to their website. KYMN is striving to get out as much of the information as possible. Please note we continue to update the community on with links to fact-based information and more. Support your local small businesses as best you can! Several are offering take out and delivery.

Nfld Y focusing on childcare

The Northfield Area YMCA announced yesterday that, in the near term, they are pivoting their resources to best support the most pressing needs in our community. As of the end of business yesterday, all health and wellness programming is stopped. This includes group exercise classes, pool, track, and gym. 

Red Cross faces severe blood shortage

As workplaces, college campuses and schools temporarily close or urge remote work in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the impacts are being felt throughout the community and even the blood supply. Right now, the American Red Cross has a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations at these locations during this coronavirus outbreak. Healthy individuals are needed to donate now to help patients counting on lifesaving blood. The Red Cross has implemented additional precautions to ensure blood drives and donation centers are even safer for our donors and staff. American Red Cross faces severe blood shortage as coronavirus outbreak threatens availability of nation’s supply

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Sunday, March 30, 2025 @ 3:00 pm – Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra performs the music of Holst, Handel, Coates, Elgar, & Purcell. Conductor: Paul Niemisto. Featuring soloist Deesa Staats and organist Richard Collman. Saturday, March 29, 3pm at Bethel Lutheran Church in Northfield and Sunday, March 30, 3pm at St. Ansgar’s Lutheran Church in Cannon Falls. Tickets: $15 at the door.

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Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra ‘English Garden’ presented by Northfield Arts Guild

Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 3:00 pm – Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra performs the music of Holst, Handel, Coates, Elgar, & Purcell. Conductor: Paul Niemisto. Featuring soloist Deesa Staats and organist Richard Collman. Saturday, March 29, 3pm at Bethel Lutheran Church in Northfield and Sunday, March 30, 3pm at St. Ansgar’s Lutheran Church in Cannon Falls. Tickets: $15 at the door.

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Saturday, April 5, 2025 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm – FiftyNorth Band performs on Saturday, April 5, 6:30-8 pm at The Grand Event Center. Doors open at 5pm, restaurant is open for dinner; serving food until 6:30pm. The bar is open until 8:30pm. Donations accepted at the door in support of FiftyNorth and the FiftyNorth Band.

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Puzzle Playoff sponsored by Northfield Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library

Saturday, March 15, 2025 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm – Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library is sponsoring the library Puzzle Playoff on Saturday, March 25, from 10:30-12:30. The event will be held on ZOOM so that participants can compete from their favorite puzzle making spot and with as many as 6 puzzling partners at any one time. Teams can register here. 

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